
What envy the Italians???

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What envy the Italians???




  1. They got voted the most beautiful people in the world in a tourist poll a while ago, and the food's great.

    As much brother in laws said, 'there were no ugly women anywhere!'

  2. Italians envy their momma!

    Momma mia...

  3. Good manners.

  4. The food as pizza, macaroni and other food.

    Their fashion

    Their sense of style that everybody in the world follows

    Their immigration, you will find  in every part of the world Italian immigrant.

    Their weird language that sounds as they are grumpy or something'

    Their famous history that everybody knows and respects

    How they communities are made, how they are so united as

    1 family.

    Their famous people as Silverster Stolone, Madona, and other famous Italian people.

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