
What equine color is also part of a horse?

by Guest58107  |  earlier

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  1. Chestnut is a reddish coat color.  Chestnuts are located on the inside of a horse's leg (just above the knee on forelegs and just below the hock on hind legs)

    Chestnut color:

    Body part:

  2. Base Colors

    All colors are a result of at least 16 known factors that interact to produce each unique color and pattern. There are only two colors that all other colors are built off of. These are Black and Chestnut. Every horse, of every breed, will have a Black or a Red (Chestnut) base coat, regardless of it's physical apperance.

    The main key when learning about color is to ignore the white. White is not important when determining the colored parts of the horse. This is because the colored parts and the white parts are not related and the genetic control of one has nothing to do with the genetic control of the other. The only time white becomes important is when you are determining if the horse has a white spotting pattern.

  3. Chestnut.

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