
What equipment do i need for A-level Photography?

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im starting my alevels in two weeks, was wondering what i needed for my photography course and if its expensive




  1. Read the syllabus before you jump the gun and start purchasing your own materials.  Photography equipment is far from cheap and purchasing your materials based on assumptions and hearsay on yahoo answers will just make you feel like a fool when the teacher announces that the $1000 DSLR you just purchased is not necessary because the class focuses on traditional darkroom photography.  

  2. This is a question you'll have to ask the instructor. Some instructors require you start with an SLR, others require DSLR.

    The key thing is to really pay attention in class, ask questions when you don't understand something, and take good notes.

    And my dear, I must add... photography is NOT cheap!

  3. I think it really does depend on the institution you are planning to go to.

    My college is c**p at photography but they still provide equipment such as a darkroom, drying cupboard, photographic paper, chemicals and things for traditional photography.

    Mine also provided us with part-time cameras we could take home for like a few weeks and some we could only use on the school grounds.

    I think it may be better to buy your own digital SLR, that way if a great scene for a photograph comes along you can take it there and then rather then regretting you didnt rent out a camera from college that day.

    I think it also might be good to invest in a tripod but if you're college allows it you could borrow from them.

    Have fun, it's a brilliant A Level to take. Im on my seconf year now: got an A at ASLevel WOOOOOPIE.

    Good luck mi dear xx

  4. Well if they supply all the equipment you need, then all you need is yourself.

    If they don't supply anything your going to need: a camera of course, film(if the camera isn't digital), a tripod, and maybe different lenses.

    Good luck.

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