
What equipments does a cake shop need?

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Hi, my friends and I plan to open up a cake shop, what equipments/machineries will we need?





  1. Kind of agree with the first poster...but.... Sit down and write a list of the products you intend making and selling. Then for each one, work through the entire process of making it, writing down each item of equipment you use. Some will be common for all products (eg wooden spoons or spatulas, the oven, mixers etc) but others will be item specific (eg muffin tins, loaf tins).  Once you've got that list, you know what equipment you need to make each individual product. Then you need to work out how many of each you will need - this is a bit more complicated as it will depend on the size of your bakery, the number of people working in it and how many products you will be able to make at any given time. This is kind of tricky, and difficult to do if you haven't got any experience in bakeries. You really need to get some experience in how to organize a bakery before you get too far down the line, so have you thought about trying to get a job (short term, maybe part time) - in a similar operation to see how things go? It would give you an idea of what you are looking at, and may also tell you whether you will enjoy it or not. Just make sure your contract doesn't include a "nonecompete clause" barring you from opening a competing outlet within a certain time frame. Not sure if this is common in cakeshop/bakeries, but it certainly is in my industry to avoid people doing exactly what I've just suggested! Good Luck!  

  2. As far as equipment, think of what you would need when baking one cake in your kitchen,  then add about 10 times, such as, you need mixers, ovens, pans, frosting supplies and tools, non stick sprays, and as far as what you need in the office, an EIN for taxes, a company bank account, employees, people who have experience, an accountant, payroll, insurance, and then the health department will come in for food inspections, etc...if you are really ready for it, do not let all of this scare you, take it in steps.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  3. If you can't figure out for yourself what equipment you'll need, are you sure you're ready to open the shop?

  4. business and news

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