
What essential gifts should my friends bring us back from Provence/South of France?

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What essential gifts should my friends bring us back from Provence/South of France?




  1. small local cookbooks --you can't get them anywhere else --tin tin books 2nd hand from the .truffles (the mushroom) or truffle paste in tube

  2. Very attractive single French girls.

  3. any porcelains

  4. Homemade soaps like you find in the market, and aperatives. Also, you can't bring absinthe back to the U.S., but you can certainly try.

  5. i find it hard to put the word 'essential' next to the word 'gift' since it is up to your friends whether they want to get you anything, and certainly not essential!  but anyway, south of france, lavender, mustard, wine, spices, fabric.

  6. Chocolate, cookies and foie gras (make sure it's the pasteurized kind that needs no refrigeration).  Wine, if you like it. OTOH, some ppl might not like being told what to bring back for you.  They might just want to pick something out for you.

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