
What ethnic group is historically(and up until today)skillful in accumulating wealth and managing it?

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Could be various types and same origins or absolutely different.

Very skilled in the management of wealth ,money,etc.Experts on accumulating it as if one of their main purposes or goals in life has always been that way.





  1. The Jews?

  2. Jewish people

  3. The Jewish people!

  4. yup, the American Jews, where do you think Israel get all their money  ? remittance ! same as Mexico and the Philippines.  

  5. West Africans

  6. Whether it's politically correct to say so or not, it's still correct to say that the Jews have been very good at accumulating and managing wealth.

  7. Depends on how you want to define wealth.The Asians as a single ethnic group, has the highest average incomes(in the world,second to Whites(all) in the U.S).-if you want to single out and stereotype Jews, they are on the average, wealthier than the Jews.Japan takes the lead, followed by India, then China.

    On a millionaire per capita basis in the world,the Norwegians have the top place.

    The world's richest person is Carlos Slims,billioniare(both parents are Lebanese(Arab  versus Jewish Semitic White)-he was born in Mexico.

  8. If I'm not mistaken, most of the worlds money travels through Switzerland. I would say that the Swiss have it figured out.

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