
What event (above all others).?

by Guest56011  |  earlier

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In your lifetime, are you never likely to forget.




  1. Moving away to a new city after college, and kissing my wife for the first time.

  2. the deaths of my brother and father

  3. having children

    getting married

  4. The death of my beloved husband.

  5. the good times when my parents were together and we were a family (cuz i dont remember now so...)

  6. Having my little boy, I was only 17 and so scared but it was the most special, most precious moment of my life

  7. when my lola (grandma in filipino) passed away. i guess i felt guilt because i never spent enough time with her. makes me sad because i miss her so much.

  8. My first girlfriend telling me she loved someone else. I was 15 and devastated.

  9. giving birth.

  10. The death of my mother and grandmother. On a happier note: the first person I brought back to life-very exciting!

  11. The day I started college. Everything changed forever for the better.

  12. Losing my virginity, aint it.

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