
What event do you think will take place to spark the New World Order?

by  |  earlier

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Controlled weather, a "terrorist attack" on America, Economy collapse etc.?




  1. hmmmmm....

    hmmm ..

    possibly all those things!

    :).. I WOULD.. hope not though!

  2. The collapse of the Soviet Union.

  3. With "New World Order" in the context of the Illuminati, Bilderberg, CFR, and Rothschild --

    The Illuminati, and other associated groups, are the troops, the grunts, for the rich, international bankers that own 60 percent or more of the world's wealth.

    Their goal is world dominion -- the control of all people -- and the Master is Lucifer.

    To implement their plan, the bankers must control the national banks of most countries. They nearly do now. Then they will manipulate money and natural resources to cause a huge depression. They own nearly 60 percent of all oil, gas, gold, silver, uranium and more. The depression comes followed by terrorist attacks whereupon countries call for martial law and confiscate guns. At the takeover, there will be will be a huge population reduction through genocide.

    And more .... but that's their plan ... but guess what? It won't come about.

    The bankers won't/can't give up the game! They will dupe the Illuminati into believing that they are actually working for something by doing tests: just like they're doing right now with gas prices and the economy. The bankers will tell the Illuminati that it will take longer; the bankers will continue playing their game of buying and selling people & governments and the Illuminati and other associates will think they are actually working for something.

    Despite rumor, they can't control weather! They could seed a pandemic flu; could start a major war; or more. They could employ private militia as it is rumored that they have in the past. They won't; they love the game.

    Call it conspriacy theory or believe it -- it's up to you But remember: gravity was once a theory, and so was "a round earth" and many other things that we now take for granted.

  4. The collapse of America. Every great nation throughout History has fallen...Rome, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Byzantine...etc. It is only a matter of time before we destroy ourselves from within.

  5. The complete and total collapse of the near worthless dollar.

    When other countries finally call in all their markers,  China and Saudi Arabia will own most of America.

    and I agree.........all great Empires have fallen, eventually.  

    Bush invading Iraq........was the START of our Great Decline.

    He ran up trillions in debt..........trampled on core values........

    all but ignored our  own constitution......ran the dollar into the ground globally.........

    you are witnessing, as we speak, the start of the New World Order.

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