
What event or country will you be watching during the Olympics in China?

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What event or country will you be watching during the Olympics in China?




  1. For more details about olympics 2008...

  2. As much as I can. But my favorite is swimming and gymnastics  

  3. NONE......I hate the Olympics, they are so ridiculously boring, a waste of time, and they interrupt my normal TV watching. I could care less about them.  

  4. none whatsoever its all a great big yawn

  5. whatever catches the attention of the BBC.

  6. As much as i can , but i want to see all track events becuase thats the type of stuff that i do.

    I will be supporting Britain. (Y)

    We have such a stupid name though -Team GB - what the h**l?!

  7. None, I am waiting for the first drug cheat positive result. Come on Sunday be good to me give me that jackpot. In fact it be worth my while go to China and fling a pill into some swimmers mouth when they are taking a breath. 10,000 euro would pay for the trip no trouble  

  8. Usually at home in the USA

    Good Question :P

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