
What events do you do in track and field?

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I'm just curious to see. Usually I do the 100m, long jump, and relays.




  1. i'm definitely not super good at track or anything. this is my first season and i'm not quick and i have the worst endurance everrr (mile is 9:55).

    i do long jump (the other day i jumped 13', but my PR in a meet is 11'7"... crazy.) and 100m (15:81)

  2. 1600, 3200, and sometimes 800 (I hate the 800)

  3. There's different lengths on track. (Don't play but all my friends do) and there's javlin, hurdles, relays, discuss and throwing, long jump. I think there's more but I can't remember.

  4. 600 (660), hurdles, relay, and high jump

  5. im a distance XC kid! =]

    3200, 1600, 800, 4x8, and 4x4 when coach feels like throwing me in ;]

  6. My events are as you see them.

  7. I do the 800, 1600, and 3200 im a distance girl! :)

  8. 800 , mile , and 2 mile all the way everday

  9. I run the 1600 and 3200 runs. PR's are 4:42 and 9:53(hopefully I'll be under 45 tomorrow) respectively.

    I'm not a very quick person. I couldn't out sprint anyone to save my life, lol. ^_^

  10. I'll stick with doing the 100m since i'm the fastest man in the universe.

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