
What events in american history are important to you? and why?

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What events in american history are important to you? and why?




  1. Obviously the writing of the Declaration of Independence as well as the Constitution and Bill of Rights are the most important. They are the most important because without them we would not have the freedom we have today. I love the Bill of Rights because it is ultimately what gives us the ability to defend our rights and freedom.  

  2. I would have to say the most important historical event to me would be when Columbus hit proverbial "pay dirt" and landed in the Caribbean. The reason being isnt what you would think. The truth is, among many things, is that Christopher Columbus was an evil, lying, manipulating murderer. The fact that we even give him credit for finding the Americas to begin with is totally false. Leif Ericson was the earliest soul that we know of landing in the Americas, with more than likely others before him.  In the meantime he literally committed mass genocide on the Arawak indians who thought he was a god. They had never seen war or weapons, and subsequently  

    were either enslaved or murdered. The rest he took out from disease he brought back from Spain. He was only able to accomplish this feat by lying to the queen, telling her there was gold when in truth there was little to none. The best he could do was force the indians to search for gold, or send them back to Spain as slaves. Im not going to get into how he treated these people, because honestly its too brutal. Let me put it this way, having a Columbus Day, is NO BETTER than having a Hitler Day. So, it has to make you take a step back and think..if our American history is founded on a huge lie, what else have we been lied to about?

  3. The 1st Gulf War!

    A unique case when a war was authorized by the UN. This war had united the US with Syria, the UK with Argentina, Greece & Turkey, France with Senegal, Japan with Korea, in addition to many other countries around the world.

    At that time it was really overwhelming to see the presidents of the US & the USSR issuing a joint statement displaying unity when they declared their intentions to resolve the issue. Not to mention the great victory, which declared the US as the sole world superpower & began a new world order (well, this is a scary statement to some people!)  

  4. when we invade ...

  5. There are many.  On my mother's side our ancestors went to Mexico via Spain during the late 1500's to bring Christianity to the New World. Ironically I am descended from a Catholic Bishop who mated with a Mexican Indian girl. He did marry her. Eventually they went into California and help found the missions accompanied with Junipero Serra. The men fought later in the Mexican-American War. After that all generations of this side of the family fought in all foreign wars up to today and we never lost any that we could think of. On my fathers side My paternal grandfather was a Jew who changed his name and joined Hitler's Third Reich and used his position to help his family and other Jews to avoid the death camps.  My father was in the Korean War and his son, my brother is serving in the US Navy and has seen numerous  tours in the Persian Gulf since 1988. he retires next year.  My son is considering a military career. This is important to me because there are many Americans like us with other stories of coming to this great land in persuit of freedom.  It is one of the many examples of how so many people got together that made America what it is today.  Thanks for a great question.  I am looking forward to seeing others.

  6. When USA actively engaged in World War Two. That was important to me because my parents did survive the war with help of US and Canadian soldiers.  

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