
What ever happen to the Segway revolutionizing the way you get around.?

by  |  earlier

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Back when the inventer first started talking about the Segway. He said it would revolutionize the way we get around what happen almost no one has them. The only people i've seen on them were people in tour groups riding around on them and police once in a while on them.




  1. Probably that besides the fact anyone riding on one looks like a complete loser, they are just miles to expensive! It was just a fun novelty, walking both cheaper and better for you!

  2. It seems to me another poor marketing exercise - an appealing product, but too expensive and complicated. It can't compete with a time-tested solution - the bicycle in its many forms.

  3. have you ever priced one?

    that is your answer, i like my shoes just fine.

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