
What ever happend to good will.. when people went out of there way to help one & other.?

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What ever happend to good will.. when people went out of there way to help one & other.?




  1. Oh, you mean in the time of Dickens and Scrooge ?

    When kids went down the mines and had no shoes.

    Sent up in the chimney, worked in factories.

    Had no health service, died of cold and hunger

    No votes for women.

    No pensions.

    Worked 12 hour days.

    Afraid of bosses.

    Upstairs downstairs, yes m'lady, no m'lady

    servants for the privileged classes

    no libraries , noone could read or write

    yeh, lets get back the good old days

  2. Absolute fear of being sued by money grabbing s..ts. Can you safely do a good dead and help someone without that lurking in the back of your mind? Compensation culture is the death of good deads.

  3. it went out the door when it was taken advantage of.

  4. Two words:

    Margaret and Thatcher.

  5. Yeah, it still exists, but with our much larger communities people now hesitate to reach out to strangers. I don't think it's that young people today aren't nice (the ones I know certainly are), but I've encountered more of a "don't disturb your neighbor" mentality than a "love your neighbor as yourself." People just seem to think it's somehow too awkward to reach out to people outside their group of friends, as though they might somehow be interfering or interrupting.

  6. GREED

  7. gone along with holding a chair or door for someone.

  8. i'm afraid it went the same day as common curtosy and the worst thing is the young people get blamed when it's not them thses day nine times out of ten i come across a rude old person.

  9. those days are long dead and gone..unfortuntaly...i still try my hardest to please other ppl

  10. People do still help people, but their extent usually stays in their communities. I believe it starts with no one using manners or taught to use manners and respect!!!! I have seen such rude people, old and young. but the older ones are suppose to set the example!!!!

    Also who can you trust when we have millions of illegal lawbreakers invading every community in the U.S.?  Committing crimes and ruining other wise good neighborhoods.

    Report and deport!!!

  11. The sensationalization of the news by mass media has convinced us that strangers are just as likely to slit our throats and steal our wallets and purses as to be decent people.  No one wants to take that chance, so we keep to ourselves.

  12. It does still exist rarely, but whenever I see it I feel amazed.

    When I saw kids [rude kids] treating old people like pieces of dirt, I feel like grabbing their hair [if they have] and spitting on their faces, and slap them back and forth so to show that they needed their asses whooped by their parents.

  13. I've often wondered what ever happened to "character".  Once upon a time people followed laws because it was right.  Once upon a time people expected everyone to tell the truth just because it was the truth.  The idea that people can break laws, lie, steal, cheat and everything goes is abhorrent to me.  There can be no good will without good character.

  14. it went out the door when the invaders started demanding must remember the  illegal Hispanics and there relatives parading in the streets.while Joe six-pack sat and watch this un-fold on tv.i hope this answers your stupid question.

  15. I believe in helping others but I am not going to help out criminals which is what the illegal aliens are.

    I am so sick of the myth that illegal aliens take jobs that Americans don't want, not true, in reality the immigrants who take jobs Americans don't want are the legal immigrants who work very hard for the right to enter and contribute to this country.

    Illegal immigrants on the other hand, they take jobs that Americans do want, not to mention the illegal aliens do not pay into Social Security, yet they steal from it (legal immigrants pay into Social Security but illegals do not).

    A place that hired illegal aliens was raided by the Feds, this place claimed Americans did not want jobs at the very place but after all the illegals were gone from there, loads of American citizens and legal immigrants were lined up applying for jobs.

  16. It's still around.  I just read that contributions to charities did not go down in 2007 in spite of the bad economic news.  I also still witness small acts of kindness between people who appear to be strangers fairly often.  

    Here's a little test you can try:   Park you car along a road (in a safe spot) and raise the hood.   See how many people stop and ask if you need any help.  I hope more than you would expect stop to ask if you need help; but I can't be sure -- it's a test.  

    On the negative side, there is almost no response to a Yahoo group, , that tries to make the world kinder for more people than most people feel we can afford to consider; but that is not the same as personal acts of kindness so maybe that doesn't count for what you are referring to.

    My hunch is that good will is still alive and well, but there is never quite as much as there should be.

  17. Given the subject matter, I assume you're talking about illegal immigration.  We've never gone out of our way to help criminals.

  18. I find it very ironic that you ask this on a web site where people ask questions and get help from people who go out of their way to answer them.

    I think this web site is itself proof that in some level people still do like to help where they can. It's my reason for answering immigration questions on here anyway...

  19. The me too generation ended that.

    Today's young people, starting with the baby boomers, have learned to think of themselves first and to h**l with everyone else and to h**l with the US.

  20. gone no one cares anymore thats progress blame the 60s/70s/punk

  21. It still exists but its much rarer than it used to be. There is just no trust any more.

  22. What was once a matter of GOODWILL;  now the government ORDERS us to be nice to everyone, and you can lead a horse to water but not make it drink.......

  23. i think the world has changed for the worse. less people trust people. for instance, you hear about someone hitchiking and robbing and killing women, so women stop picking up hitch hikers. you hear that homeless people spend their money on drugs and alcohol (true or not) and you stop giving them change. i think people just are unable to see the good in people anymore.

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