
What ever happened... Questions about Lost.?

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I have a couple questions about lost that doesn't make sense to me.

1.) Remember the first couple seasons of lost where someone (I don't remember who) shoot a white polar bear and everyone was like "what is this doing here"... well what ever happened to the reason why the polar bear was there in the first place? Did the writers forget to explain in the show why the polar bear was there instead of in a cold place?

2.) What about when Sied (and Sawyer.. I think) was sailing in a boat to go to the others place to find jack and kate.... then he saw a big statue of a foot.... what ever happened to the reason behind that.

2.) And finally what about that black stuff (in the first season) that went around the island and sounded like an elephant or a beast and it killed so many people (like the pilot of the plane). Did the show ever explain what was that?

So many things are unanswered. Maybe I just missed a scene or two or missed an episode. If you know please answer... if you don't... tell me what you think happened in those scenarios!




  1. 1) In the season 4 finale when Ben turns the wheel to 'move the island', he enters this ice chamber. Also, in the first part of season 3 when Sawyer and Kate are locked in cages, there is a reference to them being bear cages (I'm guessing that they were polar bears because black bears haven't shown up on the show). Going back to the season 2 finale at the very end, there is a research team in what looks to be the Arctic looking for Desmond. And finally, there are polar bears in one of the Dharma training videos (I believe it's the Swan). I don't know what the significance is, but it's one of the major plot points of the series that will be explained.

    2) Damon and Carlton (the executive producers and head writers) have both said that the foot statue will come into play again. I'm thinking it has something to do with the time travel of the island. So possibly in season 5 there will be something.

    3) The show has not yet explained what the monster is. That is another thing that has been promised to be addressed. We do know now that Ben somehow has the ability to summon it (although with that being said, we also know that he doesn't have the ability to control it).

  2. 1.) I think that they were experimenting with them (the Dharma). Also, i think that they will explain it more in season 5.

    2.)Im not sure why that statue was there, buit HOPEFULLY the writers willl explaine it, the writers Dameon Lindelof and Carlto Cuse said that EVERYTHING will be explained when season 6 is over, because thate will be the LAST epsiode,,:-(

    3.)I Think the monster will be explanie as well in the 5th season


  3. 1.  The Dharma Initiative were doing experiments with the polar bears, which is why they were on the island.  In of the season 3 episodes Sawyer is locked in a big cage.  There is a machine that spits out food but you have to figure out a trick to get it to work.  After messing around with it for a long time Sawyer finally gets it to work.  At that point Tom says "it only took the bears 2 hours".

    2.  So far nothing has been explained about the statue.

    3.  It was only described as a security measure.  In one of the newest episodes it certainly seemed that Ben caused the smoke monster to attack some of the guys from the freighter.

  4. 1. During season 3, Tom said that it only took the bears an hour to figure out how to get a fish biscuit.  I took this to mean the dharma inititive had the polar bears as part of on of their experiments.

    2. (Sayid, Jin, and Sun were on the boat) They have not explained the foot statue yet, but the writers have said they will.

    3. The black smoke monster has not been explained much yet. All we know is that it seems to be able to be controlled, as Ben sent it after Keamy and his guys.

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