
What ever happened to Dubya's sawgrass as an alternative fuels?

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What ever happened to Dubya's sawgrass as an alternative fuels?




  1. I suspect that because of political prejudice it was deep-sixed by the Consensus.

    I have not seen anything mentioned more since Mr. Bush thought it was a good idea to check out.  And if he was for it, you KNOW who would automatically be against it!!

    Sugar beets are also not on the list, tho they have a very high %age of fermentables, and grow well in areas where they do not compete with food corn.

    It is politics superceding common sense.  Again.  

    Why don't we ferment Carbon Credits?  Loads of them floating round, and you can't eat them!!

    Maybe we should have the biologists working on a gasoline palm?  So we can complete the rape of the Rain Forests?

    I think we should reduce all the fossil fuel CO2 to dry ice, and store it until we will be needing more CO2 to stave off the descent into the next ice age.  History says it will happen, but then since when is History a factor when politics and Big Money are involved?

    Keep sawgrass in mind, work out some tasty recipies for when there is a shortage of corn!

  2. Scientists are working away at this.  The phrased used is "cellulosic ethanol".  The bottleneck is the process for turning sawgrass into ethanol.  Right now it takes too much energy to do.  One potential breakthrough would be to use genetically engineered organisms.  Some good stuff here:

  3. Never heard of it

  4. Daddy Bush won't let him mow the lawn any more.

  5. Probably the fact that it is way more inefficient and costly.

    Not really a guess.

  6. The wheels of progress turn very slowly.

  7. The corn grower's lobby is trying to stop it.

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