
What ever happened to Karate, Kung Fu, Judo and Tae Kwon Do????

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Have these martial arts been rendered useless by MMA, jiu-jutsu and Muay Thai???




  1. NO.

    MMA is a combination of arts that at times includes ju-jutsu, kung-fu, judo, and etc. MMA is not an art by itself. At least not yet.

  2. Why would they be useless just because they do not have a strong following in the UFC. Taught right they are still very good for self defense, which is a far cry from the UFC or a street fight.

    Understand that most of the traditional styles take wuite a while to get good at, and most people training for the UFC or other oranizations don't have that kind of time. the goal is to get a fighter ready as quickly as possible.

    Another factor is as was stated above, unqualified people opening schools simply to make money. Another factor is the newer generations obsission with having all of the information given to them as well as the I want it all now attitude.

    If anyone here says that these arts are not still effective for self defense, they are probably UFC fans who have never trained, or posers and wanna be's.

  3. Radon has a fantastic answer.

  4. There are many good schools for the above. Right now the public eye is on MMA because it is on tv. Muay Thai has been around a long time. It is gaining in popularity because of MMA. It is the new fad. There is a problem with it gaining so much attention. Everyone that want to make a few dollars will begin to offer some watered down version. It is already taking place. That is the same reason TKD get so bad a rap. All of a sudden everyone is a master and begin teaching. They make a lot of money and the general public has been deceived and lose a lot of money.


    I know a guy that had trained in several martial arts styles. He was a 1st Dan in Karate. A after school program asked me to teach martial arts for their program. I turned it down. He was active in the community  like me too. They found out that he knew martial arts. They asked him to teach martial arts for a lot less than they offered me. He accepted. I knew he hadn't done martial arts in a long time before they asked him. I ran into him and asked how thing were going. He told me then that he was a 25 degree black belt or something like that. I asked him how is that?  You had been out of martial arts for years. There is no rank that high. He told me he created his own style. It was a combination of all of the styles that he had trained in. He called it neighborhood karate. He said since he started it he could give himself any rank he wanted. He didn't work out too long with the program. He lost my respect as an artist after that. I believe he wanted to help the children, but his methods were bad.

  5. no a lot of people still use em. many mma people cross train in judo because they have good takedowns. some fighters have karate background too. chuck liddell has kempo karate background and georges st pierre has kyokushin karate(in my opinion an awesome form of karate). karo parisyan has extensive training in judo

    so no not rendered useless. thats the beauty of mma you take the strength from several arts and make it a part of you

  6. Of course not.  Karate, Kung Fu, and Tae Kwon Do have been taught for hundreds of years- as have Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai.  MMA is just a phrase for combining martial arts and is not a martial art, and Judo is a variation of Jiu Jitsu.  Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a variation of Judo.

    MMA, BJJ, and Muay Thai are very popular right now- but it's a fad.  Karate, Taekwondo, Kung Fu, and Judo have already been through it.

    Many people think that Taekwondo, Judo, and Karate (to a lesser extent) have been "rendered useless" because they are also practiced as a sport (i.e. the Olympics in the case of Taekwondo and Judo), but MMA is also a sport as is Muay Thai.

    It's not about the style you choose, since all style have many similarities (since they're all based on the same human body), but how the style is taught and what concepts are emphasized.

  7. Those styles are still alive and kicking (sorry, I couldn't resist).  Open your yellow pages and look under Martial Arts (or google Martial Arts + your zip code) and you will see many more karate and tae kwon do schools than BJJ, Muay Thai, or MMA schools.  That will probably change in the next 5-10 years, however.  Soon you will see MMA McDojos in every strip mall.

  8. nope.

  9. no, fake instructors, martial arts myths, McDojos, and Ralph Macchio have ruined the good names of those martial arts. Before too long it'll happen to MMA JJ and MT also. Its to easy to trick parents into paying out the *** to baby sit there kids and call it tae kwon do class, glorified P.E. class is more like it.  

  10. Look at Lyoto Machida - He's beaten some good fighters with his karate. It's still around.

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