
What ever happened to our right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness guaranteed by our constitution?

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I'm Sorry it was the Declaration of Independence.

It says That all men are created equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty and The pursuit of Happiness!




  1. Well we get life. Just not very good ones

    We have liberty that gets traded in every day for the illusion of safety (like airport security, for example)

    And you will notice that we are guaranteed the PURSUIT of happiness, but not the happiness itself. How screwed up is that?

    Just a few things that I've noticed.

  2. It's still there.  The problem is that many people today have forgotten you have to work for it.  They mistakenly believe that just because they have the right to it, it should be handed to them with no effort on their part required.

  3. No one can take your life from you.(without killing you)

    We still have liberty!

    and we are not garunteed Happiness...but we have the right to pursue happieness...

    I think maybe you should watch the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness"'s really good, and he mentions this in there.

  4. These are "certain inalienable rights" that are granted by God.

    Since we no longer recognize God in our country, why would we give any credence to rights, real or imagined, which were granted by Him?

    We cannot have it both ways.

    God was the authority our forefathers used to give them the right to set up what is now the United States.

    If we eradicate Him, then we are, by definition, eradicating anything that He was the authority for.

    This country was formed as "One Nation under God", our courts have made this an oxymoron.

    We have become "one Nation under humanism and civil liberties"

    God has nothing to say anymore, all in the interests of an imagined constitutional precept, that of "separation of Church and State."

  5. I have it at my house, I have not a clue why you dont, i worked for mine, I am very happy, I vist my wife in the hot tub, the kids play in our pool. I got my education and nobody tells me what i cant do.   Is there something you have forgotten along the way, like maybe a job or a spouse or what, what really is buggin you? The Constitution is fully intact. Now all you have to do is live. Proceed.

  6. "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are in the Declaration of Independence, NOT the Constitution.

  7. humanity happened+greedy people who think they are above all people=rights being abused. by the way the famous line that the rights to life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness comes from the Declaration of Indepence.

  8. The liberals are taking it away because it's not politically correct.

  9. "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." This was said by Ben Franklin over 200 years ago and it  has never been more true.  

    Bush and his Administration has scared us in to worrying mostly about our safety and  to forget about our rights.    

    The Corporate media / Corporate elite who makes up about 1% of us  have us convinced that its Political Correctness that has caused this.   As they convince us that we need to give up our rights,  support endless war, all too feel safe.   Also don't forget to buy a plasam tv and watch American idole  next week!

  10. We have an administration afraid to call torture torture, and wanting to force an imagined way of life upon the citizenry.

  11. Governemnt.

  12. The current administration

  13. it is a Science fiction tale in 2007

  14. first came the feminists, then came the christians...

    we really had no chance.

  15. president bush started a war and blew up the twin towers and so on and so forth if you from the us and you go too active and in the search box you type in ross and then go down to the bottom is sg=hould say adavanced ad gifted civics and i think hes posted chapter 5 online so you can look at it

  16. Illegal people from third world countries have drained the life out of our country.

    Without firing a shot!

  17. Constitution?Happiness?Life? Liberty? sounds ancient to me.What are U talking about ?

  18. Those rights have been corrupted by lawyers, bureaucrats, and politicians.

  19. The religious right and the conservatives are against that part of the Constitution.

  20. We have more than other countries, but NOWHERE CLOSE to what it says in the constitution. All that disappeared when the goverment started saying they were doing things to PROTECT us, when really its just taking away our rights.

  21. Yup. When the crooks started doing things and restricting our very activities that hurts no one else, it seems it's all just a display of power. A minority group that seeks to control everyone by taking away their rights 'for their own good', is nothing but a kangaroo court that claims more rights for itself and it's members, it's anarchy. And then the bloody crooks blame the victim...

  22. When you signed for the social in-security card you changed your citizenship to that of the di-strict of Columia and the Bill of the Rights no longer apply. They are now priviladges

  23. It is still a guarrantee, but, as in all things no matter what the subject, you never miss something till its gone.

    Government has been getting bigger and more intrusive. Sometimes that is meant well, like in the wire tappings to help protect us from terrorism, but we little by little lose our civil liberties. We didn't lose anything from the wire tappings pre se, no  one can make a claim that their liberties were deminished or limited, but...the problem is...humans are imperfect, and such programs if they were headed by the devious, cruel and uncaring of the America way of life..could misuse them in the future.

    Its a double edged sword for the most part. If we say NO, don't do that, we take the chance of being hurt in the future because we tied the authorities hands on how far they can go. Once in a while you find someone that out right violates the rules for their own gain, and then again other do it and pay the price of doing it because they know it had to be done for the greater good of America. But if we say Yes, well...with the government's record of abuse on many things, it is probably must a matter of time before someone misuses one of the pilot programs or one voted for in trust.

    I'd say we need an incorruptable, all powerful oversight commitee who's word is law, with a security force to ensure they are well protected. Problem do you ensure they remain uncorrupted and do what is in the best interest of America ?

    Too many people think they have the right to be heard, but they have nothing of substance to say. Too many think their opinion counts, yet they haven' t studied or know the facts surrounding an issue. Some are just emotional blowing off steam or perverted and want to twist people's opinions so they will help them out politically. I know it takes all least that is what they say, but we really can do without the liberally minded unpatriotic, unsupportive, vengful, murmurrming multitudes in America. They muddy the waters instead of approach things with a clear mind and proof.

    Jump on a band wagon to save cute puppies if you desire, but jumping on a bandwagon because you do'nt like the war.. who can sit there and claim they knew all the President knew, or honestly  see the congress vote for it, the UN give resolutions for it, see how the surge is working and understand the reason why it has to happen ?

    This war has been brewing for centuries, And we finally got fed up. They attack us with all they have and plan against us all the time. They attack all over the world as well, not just us, or our allies. Consider for a moment that we have the power to turn their entire land into a big glass parking lot and haven't. It is our ethics, freedom, respect for life, tolerance, and tride and true mentality as an American that we don't. Where else has anyone demonstrated such restraint and responsibility ?

  24. The abuse of political correctness is what happened. It has it's purpose...but when people invent things to cry about, and find SUPPORT in doing that...then other people's rights are negated.

    For example....I would say the vast majority of Americans celebrate Christmas. MOST people who don't celebrate that particular holiday...just go on and do their own thing.  A handful of people sniveled about it...and suddenly I can't call it a Christmas tree anymore, without being 'politically incorrect'.  I can have a 'holiday tree', but not a Christmas tree. I'm not what you'd call deeply religious, but the decorated pine tree in my living room in December, is a CHRISTMAS TREE...not a 'holiday tree'. If it were a holiday tree, everyone would get one and we'd be decorating them on Labor Day!  If I call it a Christmas tree, it isn't infringing on anyone elses rights. If a retail store calls it a Christmas tree...again, it hurts no one, and it IS a dam Christmas tree! People who don't use them, are demanding that they be called something else!  I don't ask that a Menorah be called a 'holiday candelabra'. Why? Because it's a MENORAH! The majority is expected to give up their rights to appease the minority on things that DON'T infringe on their rights, and that's c**p!

  25. first the conservatives srewed us, the the libs did, now theyre arguing over who it was, when it was both of them , and in the process of placing blame, theyre doing ti even more

    sucks to be a regular citizen, doesnt it?

  26. superman left with them

  27. Bush and Cheney took it from us by declaring war on our rights and freedoms after 9/11.

  28. Activist courts and legislators who "know what is best for us" have slowly been taking away the civil rights our founding fathers fought so hard to give us.

  29. I'm sorry to say that the "rights",you mention are not guaranteed by the constitution.It's a statement in the preamble to the constitution,or the bill of rights.It is a statement, or perception of, the way it should be.The reallity is we have but one right,and that is,to support an out of control government,which does nothing for it's own people.

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