
What ever happened to "WE THE PEOPLE"?

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How is it that we the people do not have a say? Now it's WE THE LOBBIEST or WE THE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP or WE THE CORRUPT POLITICIAN...We need to take back our country. Vote with your Tax Dollars! Hold your tax money back in escrow until we pull out of Iraq. (Note I DID NOT SAY DO NOT PAY TAXES) Just escrow the funds. How do we get this movement going? If millions of us vote with our $ instead of our useless two party votes we can make a difference!

How do we make a difference?




  1. It starts with WE the People.  Each one of us has the power to change our government but none of us wants to be the first to try.  We are afraid that we will not succeed in today's corrupt world, so none of us even try.

    It starts at the grass roots level with everyone getting involved in their local communities in their town boards and councils.  Only when we change our local government can we take it to the state and then national level.  When the national government sees that the citizens are starting and winning at the local and state levels will they start taking us seriously.

  2. I am sorry to tell you that our tax dollars do not go towards the war. Tax dollars go towards paying the interest on the national debt. The money that is being used by the government to run the war and run the business that is government - the national debt - is owned by China. China is mighty p*ssed off that the US is recalling their rotten products and has threatened sanctions against us, like calling in the debt. Have you wondered why the stock market has been flakey lately? That's China flexing their muscle.

    The only way is to have a revolution, and that's not going to happen in this pantywaist society.

  3. My taxes don't pay for the war! The personal income taxes from the states west of the Rockies go mostly to payment on the national debt. As for "we the people" that has been surrendered by the people. Less than half of those eligible to vote are even registered to vote. There's more interest in "American Idol" than in political races.

    The highest percentage of voter turnout for a Presidential General Election was in 1936. We were in the middle of the Great Depression. Maybe we need to have the economy sock everyone in the pocket again to get them off their duffs and involved.

  4. I too sympathize with you.  The Iraq War is controversial, though we do need to fight someone (because the terror problem isnt going to disappear on us).  Contact your Senators, tell them what you think.  Maybe they'll consider it maybe they wont-I dont know.

  5. You don't America being run like a nation-wide Tammany Hall?

    Both parties are performing the act that causes pregnancy on us.

    How do we stop this? I honestly wish I knew.

  6. it was replaced with "they the corporations".

    they way to fix it, stop fighting among ourselves.

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