
What ever happened to rugged individualism?

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When and why did we decide to trade the ideals embracing and rewarding rugged individualism for the mediocracy and enslavement of wimpy collectivism?




  1. Because we became too dependent on the government to solve all our problems, which was directly caused by the government so as to encourage uneducated, dependent voters.

    Dumb and Dumber.

  2. It's coming back.  When the climate goes completely bonkers and all civilized societies collapse, you'll have plenty of chances to play Conan.  That is, if you don't die of exposure, starvation or...?

  3. The New Deal....That's what.

  4. It never existed. It's a made-up piece of nostalgia used to sell cigarettes and sports cars and embraced by old white guys.

  5. i will forgo citing a constitutional amendment, or about 3 of them

  6. Amazing how fear tactics work to sway a mass consciousness, isn't it???  The less the general masses are encouraged into understanding of a particular issue, culture, or what have you, the more fear sets in of those things...just look at the bandwagons that are about--chock full o' such ignorants (nuts) lol.

    Individualism is great, but it is individuals that create the mass...evidently, the majority of ones have decided to follow a human management will take a greater amount of ones to decide otherwise.  Til then, welcome to the human-rat race!!! lol

    Good Journey!!!

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