
What ever happened to that British girl Medeline who was reported missing in Portugal?

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I heard that she was found dead on that same beach... Did the police ever find out who did it... the last info that I heard was some half a year ago that her mother was being questioned as a suspect...




  1. Both her parents were questioned on no evidence whatsoever. Nobody knows to this day what really happened, except whoever killed her of course.

  2. The girl was never found. It seems the parents are no longer suspects in her disappearance.

  3. It's still a mystery.

  4. Her name is Madeleine McCann and she is still missing.  There is no evidence that she is dead, but none that she is alive either.   Someone out there probably knows what happened to her, but the case remains unsolved.  I doubt her parents will ever give up hope of finding her and every time a child is found again, as Natasha Kampusch was found, it must bring them renewed hope that their beloved child is out there somewhere and could be returned to them one day.

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