
What ever happened with the bigfoot thing?

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Was it ever found to have been a hoax? Where did that story go?




  1. it was a hoax. it was made out of rubber.

  2. I saw on CNN that it was just a rubber Big Foot suit put in ice and the guy who was a cop saying that he made the discovery is getting fired. They (big foot finders) didn't show up for CNN's Americas Morning

    go here

  3. DNA tests revealed that the DNA samples were from either a human 4% possibility or an oppossum 96%. This guy who supposedly found "bigfoot" has a radio show about Bigfoot and this is not first time he has claimed to find the creature. It was a hoax plain and simple a way for him to get notarity and hopefully be able to make money off this as people have such interest in this.  He obviously has too much time on hands and is very much deceitful. Hopefully his radio show will be pulled after this hoax. He was able to obatin way too much time and interest with his lie.

  4. As others have already said, this was proved to be a hoax.  However, I just learned today that the two guys that had claimed to have "found big foot" were awarded $50,000 for their find by a Big Foot enthusiast, before the proof was given.  Now the two guys have disappeared with the money........imagine that!  Why in the world would you pay out the reward money BEFORE the proof has been shown??  Crazy people!  

  5. They found his rubber suit, but they still have The Loch Ness Monster.

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