
What everyday Local Sky Phenomenon do you cherish but most others take for granted?

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I start work at 4am and the window faces the west. Therefore I am treated to the Belt of Venus (the Earth's shadow on the atmosphere) every morning. I love it! It's something that so few people notice, something so small and seemingly insignificant. I think it's more the -knowing- what it is that blows me away.

What about you? What do you love about the sky?




  1. For me sunrise and even more sunset. The colors of the sun, the colors of the clouds, the variety... Solar eclipse is right down boring compared to an average sunset.

  2. I think my favourite treat is seeing Venus in the daytime sky. I first noticed this quite accidentally when I was a kid, floating in an inner tube (you're probably too young to remember those!) on a lake at our summer cottage, a tiny unmoving speck in the blue, way above the moving fluffy clouds. It's easiest to find when it's close to conjunction with the Moon, but with my GOTO scope I can find it just about any time.

  3. Hey! Sexypants, I just love winter sky for it's visibility. The angle of the the sun to our atmosphere, is that right? Less moisture in the air?

    I used to start at that time, I would drive over the Gateway Bridge every morning, it is a treat, at least you can appreciate that, you must be freezing your teats off.

  4. My favorite thing about the sky is the fact that I'm alive to see it every day.

  5. ever since I was a kid I am really fascinated with the great skies and the infinity beyond.knowing that we enjoyed  those simple things yet so marvelous makes our lives here on Earth more enigmatic.

    what I love most about the sky  is the presence of International Space Station hovering above us.

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