
What everyday changes can I make to go GREEN? And lower my electric bill?

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I really want to learn good ways of helping the environment and going green...

Also, I want to learn if any of these ways can help lessen my Electric Bill? Thanks! Oh yeah, and I like on Kauai, in Hawaii! We dont have too many recycling centers here either!




  1. firs turn lights off if you are not using it, also unplug the things that you don't need... I unplug my table lamps if we are not on the family room , also the toaster oven on the kitchen, coffee makers ....etc, did you know if you don unplug the gadgets those will use 40% of energy even if not are in use, change lightbulbs for efficient energy....

  2. First of all conserve energy. How? Turn off the light/water/TV/Computer  when you don't need it . Think that for every utility you consume (somewhere along the road) to be produced it is polluting somehow. You can avoid that turning off the tap/switch... You can clean around you as much you can so the environment won't get any messier than is. This is for the Going Green.

    Lower your electric payment , change the light bulbs with the economical ones.Change your air filter regularly so your AC unit won't work "overtime".

    And get candle light diners :)) You can save money in that way. Not spending money "out" and save the electricity :)) Do as I say not as I do :))

  3. One of the best things to do is switch from regular light bulbs to cfl's. They use way less energy than regular bulbs. Also unplugging electronics when you're not using them will save energy and help reduce your electric bill.

  4. Lowering electric bill: Conservation is the best way. Insulation and energy saving windows help if you use the A/C. There are energy saving lightbulbs that are more expensive than traditional incandescent bulbs. Many appliances have "energy efficent" versions, which you could purchase instead of standard models.

    Beyond that, I'd say try to use your car less. Saving electricity and not driving are the best ways to "go green."

    I'm not sold on the idea of recylcing as they are usually inefficient and expensive processes that require factory processing to transform garbage into post-consumer product (which creates as much or more of a carbon problem than traditional recylcing). This is less true for certain materials

    (like plastics) and more for others (like paper).

  5. What you need to do is practice shutting off your electricity.  The less you have on, the less the bill. Also, try buying different types of light bulbs. The ones that are good for the economy. They are more expensive, but they really work. During the day, do most of your activies outside so that you can save money. Eat in the dark and maybe light some candles. Open a window. The things to do are endless. Use your imagination and get into the game. Good luck and more POWER to you.

  6. Here are some ways!

    Also, watch the documentry, "An inconvenient truth"

    by Al Gore! Very informative!

  7. Led nighlights to not have to turn on lights when getting a drink or going to the restroom at night. . .

    Have an on demand water heater. . .

    Energy efficient fridge and freezer. . . we use the outdoors in the wintertime like they did less than a century ago. . .

    Have a recycled windup clock. . .

    Our aquariums are on timers. . .

    Our heat is provided by corn pellet stoves. . . very cost effective and a renewable source of energy. . .

    We have water resevoirs. . .

    Can't wait to install a wind turbine and solar panels!!!

    2nd answer: You can also put all your misc. appliances/electronics on power strips to totally shut them off when not in use. It is amazing how much stuff sucks up the energy on standby :)

    Yahoo! Green

    This is one of the best places on the web to give you all of the info you need on going green in every area of your life. . .

    This is another great one!!!

    Hope this helps on your eco journey :)

  8. I dont know a lot about this but a friend put a timer on his hot water heater to turn it off after the family had gone to bed and turn it back on about thirty minutes before they woke up.He also had it programmed to turn off after they left for work and school since all members were gone for the day and set to come back on before the first person arrived home. I hope this helps you and maybe others that read this. your friend clifford yawn or

  9. surf up dude..... don't worry about the environment.....

  10. 1.  Switch to natural gas for cooking, heating, hot water and clothes drying.  Electric heat sources waste more than 60% of the fuel used to generate the electricity.

    2.  Avoid "organic" produce.  Organic farms waste land, use more energy for weed control and produce more food waste due to insect damage and the shorter shelf life of the product.

    3.  Plant a few deciduous trees on the south side of the house.  The shade will reduce the workload on your air conditioner and they'll still let the sunlight through in wintertime.

    4.  Keep the windows clean during the winter- this will let in more sunlight to help warm the house.

    5.  Purchase a flat-screen TV and computer monitor.  LCDs use far less power than CRTs.

    6.  Avoid buying products in glass bottles.  Glass takes enormous amounts of energy to produce and transport.

    7.  Use LED or CF light bulbs during the summer- they produce less heat so the AC won't have to work as hard.

    8.  Check your tire pressures regularly.  Under-inflated tires are the number one cause of wasted fuel.

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