
What everyday household items can i use the represent the weather conditions (ex. sunny, cloudy, rainy)?

by  |  earlier

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its for a project!!! i thinking of using flash;ights for sunny, foil for thunderstorms...any other ideas!! : )




  1. You can fill a clear glass container with, literally, steaming hot water, and put Saran wrap over it. Also, you can use a hot desk lamp to represent the sun and heat up and evaporate the water after putting the Saran wrap on the bowl.  If you watch closely, you can see faint clouds of steam. Now, put some nice, frozen, cold ice cubes on the Saran Wrap. You can see the steam condensate on the inside-facing side of the Saran wrap. Soon, the inside of the wrap will hold no more water, and then it will rain inside the glass container. Congratulations! You just made a basic model of the water cycle, which is a vital weather-related process.

    Hope this helps!


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