
What everything you heard was a lie?

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Like there was no such thing as global warming there was really no religon, space was actullay just black and with sugar as stars.... There was never famous people like albert enstein it was all just a big lie????




  1. Well I want to know the truth then!!!

  2. If I would realize this, I would strive to discover Truth with other means then hearing.

  3. that'd be horrible but think of this

    what if life was just like an animation everyone around you was fake and somehow your brain made everything seem real and the realness of it all is your already dead and you don't remember your life when you actually WERE alive.

  4. That's why I don't watch TV anymore.

    (ppst...newsflash..."global warming" IS a lie.)

  5. Then what an adventure it would be to find out something that is true!

  6. Ha! Then I woulden't care! This would be a new beganing for be to explore the world! LOL!

  7. What would you believe if I told you that everything I told you was a lie?  Even that very statement was a lie.

    Ask a smart computer that same question and it would certainly crash.

    Would you crash too?

  8. 1.   If global warming were a lie, that lie would eventually be found out.   After all, if the world got no warmer than it is now by 2100, we would know that global warming was really just a normal variation in the climate that happened in the early 2000's.    

    As it happens, however, most climatologists agree that global warming is no illusion.   One would think that the unprecedented loss & thinning of polar ice would be enough to convince the public--not to mention the fact that most of the world's record highs have been within the last few decades. .  

    2.    If there were no out space and the stars were just sugar clots on a black surface, then there must have been a conspiracy involving hundreds of thousands of people in the government and throughout the media to create the impression that space existed.  

    The idea that a conspiracy involving so many people could remain secret is highly implausible to say the least.

    3.    If there were no Albert Einstein, there might not be a theory of Relativity.    Microchip designers have to take relativistic effects into acccount when they do their work.  

    Without relativity, we wouldn't know how to design the chips that dominate our technology.  

    Though your scenarios defy both science and common sense, they all relate to an important philosophical question, namely "How do we know that our experience of an external world is not an illusion?"  

    Well, we can never know this for certain.     However, it's worth noting that the notion of a real external world leads to a far less cumbersome account of reality than the idea that everything is an illusion that just happens to look like a real external world.  

    However, the idea that reality consists of ideas is not a silly doctrine.  

    For more insight into the issue of all the things we can doubt, take a look at the following philosophers:    Descartes (pronounced "day KART"), Berkeley (pronounced "Barkley"),

    and David Hume.   Also take a look at phenomenology, as championed by Edmund Hussurl.    The atheistic existentialists were Hussurl's philosophical children.  


  9. It is easy to doubt the past, have no faith in the future and find things greater than yourself impossile to believe.

  10. then this question would be a paradox and that's impossible.

    so to be sure not everything is just a lie, all you need to do is say that everything is a lie or have someone else say it and then at least something must be. but it could not be that everything must be a lie.

    if you question albert einstein, or his theories, or gloabl warming, then you need tot look at the facts. and that way you would become certain that it is truth.

    but you could also consider it all to be like the matrix or like descartes proposed was possible. but i find that everything would be a lie except for my existence is incredibly unlikely.

  11. Kinda like we are just all in an alien experiment?

    They are watching us to see how we react to certain things?

    I could see it :)

  12. I've heard Obama's speeches. It would be difficult if everyone was like him.

  13. Oh no you know the truth!

  14. It would be dissapointing. You thought, somebody, somehere in this world made it somewhere amazing, and maybe I can too, but I would just start to lose faith in humanity.

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