
What evidence did the police have against Barry George when he was convicted?

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Sorry just to add that he was accused and convicted for the murder of Jill Dando. He has just been released after 8 years due to a re-trial as new evidence was found.




  1. Very little, if any. At the end of the day they needed a "fall guy"

  2. a microscopic spot of gun residue and several newspaper clipping of Blondie woman and the fact he had very few friends and he fact all evidence proving his innocents was not allowed in court the prosecution blocked it or made it unavailable  

  3. a lot less than they had against OJ

  4. Leon M - i am with you - this guy is going to do it again - his record shows that - can we all cut the namby pamby **** - there's more evidence that was excluded. But lets give this serial offender over half a million quid and we will all sleep safer at night right? - provided he doesn't live near us eh???

  5. anorak

  6. a single trace of gunshot in a pocket

  7. He (very loosely) fitted the description of a man who had been seen in the area. The minutest trace of gunshot residue was found in his pocket, however this evidence was dismissed as unreliable at the most recent trial. He was a loner who had mental health issues and was intellectually challenged. He was prone to obsessions and fixations, and was a fantasist. He had a criminal record.

    All in all he made an easy target.

  8. Nothing that would have stood up in would have thought.

    These miscarriage of justice cases seem to have a familiar thread running through them.Suspect subjected to dubious questioning methods.Faulty forensics(the playing cards residue in the B'ham 6 case),the need for quick results to satisfy the press and very rarely any absolutely irrefutable evidence.Yet it still happens.

  9. He had a speck of gunshot in his pocket and he was seriously weird with learning difficulties.  Maybe not the best evidence or witness to be cross examined.

  10. Well some say he did it and some say he did not and was fitted up by the police. The only person that knows the truth will be Barry George and the Jill Dando. One thing is for sure he will be the next big news item and his story will sell papers. The pictures in the paper he looks totally bewildered by it all. One thing is for sure the compensation he will receive will be huge.

  11. Barry george was convicted of rape, assaulting/rape of another woman, stalking local women and photographing them also found with drawings of their route home etc, found outside princess di's home with a rope and knife, arrested for assuming the identity of a cop, i.d theft, stealing the i.d. of a famous SAS man and opening up a bank account in his name.

    This guy is calculating, devious and a danger to women and the British public are happy to see him walk the streets again.  What the h**l is wrong with British society?

  12. Apparently not enough.

  13. Gunshot residue was found deep inside Barry George's coat pocket.

  14. He looked a bit funny and he had a Brummy accent,oh and he might have been near a firework at some stage of his life.

  15. There wasnt new evidence.In fact it was the fact that previous evidence used by the crown, was not allowed to be submitted because it couldnt be proved.

    The evidence no longer allowed to be submitted was a microscopic fleck of gunpowder in George's pocket.

    Most of the other evidence surrounding the case was based upon George's lifestyle as a loner and stalker.

    It is entirley possible that Barry George is actually  guilty.

    However,many people with evidence stacked against them such as Sion Jenkins actually get away with murder because they have a competent defence team.Barry George didnt have this and  his low IQ meant he wasnt capable of competently assisting his defence team.

    Essentially,the Dando case was extremely high profile and the Police needed a result and quick.To pursue other leads would have been expensive,time consuming and political dynamite,so they concentrated their efforts in fitting up the local weirdo.Job done!

    I am pleased that Barry George is free.Whether he is guilty or not,justice has been served on the evidence available.

    Perhaps in future,the Police will aim to convict the people actually guilty of the crime rather than the easiest.

  16. He was convenient, a bit strange (to them) and couldn't fight back very well.

  17. Very little from what I have read, it seems they wanted a fallguy because it was a high profile murder.

  18. Some busy body that lives in the same street as Barry George

  19. He looked at me in a peculiar way, PC Sturn said to his cat Jacob.

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