
What evidence do scientists hav that global warming is occurring?

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What evidence do scientists hav that global warming is occurring?




  1. There's a lot.  Here's some of it (in the links, it's much too much for here).

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut

    Here are two summaries of the mountain of peer reviewed data that convinced Admiral Truly and the vast majority of the scientific community, short and long.

    summarized at:

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    "Global warming is almost a no-brainer at this point.  You really can't find intelligent, quantitative arguments to make it go away."

    Dr. Jerry Mahlman, NOAA

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

  2. They believe that because it warmed in the past, it's going to warm in the future.

    That's it.  That's all there is to global warming.

    No one can tell if it's going to be warmer or cooler this year.  Anything they tell you is just a guess.

  3. There are thousands of temperature stations all around the world.  Scientists look at these every year to calculate an average global temperature.  In the USA, NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies does this.  Here is the graph:

    Pretty clear global warming, wouldn't you say?

  4. From YA...

  5. Well, to start we have the ice core records which we've drilled in Antarctica. From millions of years of ice (kind'of like tree rings) we can figure out a lot about the Earth's past climate, and from that we have been able to figure that, yes, it is true that the Earth has warmed in the past, it's even cooled down before now. The difference is that now the world is heating up faster, and hotter than the ice cores ever predicted in the past. That is why it is a concern. Also got to agree with the "Inconvenient Truth" movie, see it for a lot more facts!

  6. Because the arctic icecaps are melting like crazy!

    Just look at this image:

    If it keeps up at this rate, there won't be any ice in the Arctic during the summer.  And, that's a lot of ice turning to water (which is bad news for low lying countries and coast-lines)

  7. Go watch the movie "Inconvenient Truth". They actually have pictures of the polar ice cap shrinking. There have been more hurricanes these last few years than ever before. Thee is that proof enough for you.

  8. Increase in co2 in the atmosphere is a major challenge, facing mankind today. Co2 is a natural constituent in atmosphere. It is 0.032% by volume, having a ratio of 1:450 with o2. Inspite of its relatively small proportion, Co2 plays a major role in the biosphere.. On account of industrialization, fossil fuel consumption is growing. As a result Co2 concentration in the atmosphere is steadily increasing. Co2 absorbs heat radiations. It lets the sun rays to the Earth but retains the heat radiations from the Earth. Thus GLOBAL WARMING phenomenon exists...

    R u CONVINCED or ...................?

  9. It is not evidence, it is predictions.

  10. You mean besides :

    Acid Rain

    Ozone Layer with holes in it

    Plankton dying

    Climate changes

    Green house effect

    Glacial loss

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