
What evidence is there in the human body that supports Creation?

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What evidence is there in the human body that supports Creation?




  1. Among all creatures in existence... humans possess the highest level of intelligence to the point that we question our own origins. We have the faculty of reason and the ability to think abstractly. We have developed languages and means to create technologies. Compare our abilities to what the second most intelligent creature can do...handling twigs to use as tools. What does that tell you? No other species even comes close.

    Youd need to ask...if we gradually evolved, then why such an abnormally huuuge gap between the 2 most intelligent species? There are no "transitional" specimens that are close to least living in their equivalent of the  'stone age'. Fact is... theres just man and animal on this planet.

    If  one cannot accept this, then he is denying the obvious...not wanting to believe in a fact that clashes with his chosen way of looking at the world.

  2. There is no evidence inside of the human body that can prove that we were created. You just have to take that step of faith forward and believe.

  3. Scientifically no mostly everything in the body has been explained by science.

  4. I would say the whole human body testifies to a Creator.

    Everything about the mechanics of life is controlled by the DNA. DNA is the most wonderful information storage system in the universe.

    If you typed the information in just one microscopic cell it would take 4,000 books at 500 pages each. All this information is stored inside the nucleus of one cell. This information controls the development and function of the entire human body. Our bodies are the most wonderful things in the universe. Check out this link.

    This is the metabolic system inside one cell. It is not human but your metabolic system is equally as marvelous. Every point on that chart is a complicated enzyme. There are pumps, ion driven motors, switches, scanner controlled door and pathways, and a lot of other cool machines. There are many more systems inside that same cell. There are trillions of cells that make up different tissues to form all you organs. Learn how cool every organ in your body is. There are many systems in you body that all have to work perfectly or you will die. Each system relies on a bunch of different organs to all work in tandom to keep it going. Learn how awesome your eye is and all the things it does that you don't even realize.  Your brain is the most complicated 3 lbs. of matter in the universe. If half the united states was filled with trees, and every tree had 100,000 leaves on it, that would be the amount of connections in your brain. Your immune system keeps you safe from invaders. Your blood clotting system will stop blood loss for a cut but it knows to not clot untill there is a cut. If it did you would die. If it didn't work after a cut you would die. Your digestive system, your reproductive system, your mammory glands to make milk for your babies. These are all cool things God made for us. If random single point mutations were creating everything, your b*****s could make stomach acid the same as it could make blood, that same as it could make snakes poison, the same as it would want to make milk and all of the other possibilites in the world. There is no accounting for the perfection of all these different systems. The odds in a totaly randomly mutating system are way too astronomical to just say, well... given enough time and enough generations... That would not even come close to covering the spread. In a randomly mutating system, the 10 thousand other systems would be destroyed long before the one benifitial change would occur. That's why we don't use random means to fix informational codes.  Natural selection would work equally as well on every other molecule in the universe, but it doesn't. That is because infomational codes CANNOT be made through random means. Especially codes like our DNA that is as complicated as it is. The scientists that think that evolution happened are under a religion of Naturalism. Natural evolution is all they got, it is all they will allow. How could random mutations create the caterpillar/butterfly system. One mistake and that poor caterpillar is dead in the cocoon. How are you going to dissolve your whole body and make a different new one step by single nucleotide step.

    I would look at the creation of God and thank the Creator God for His awesome personage that is able and willing to create such wonderful things. I would also stop my rebellion against Him and trust in His forgiveness through the life and death of Jesus Christ.  

  5. a good question. Looking at the history of man, we evolved and I see nothing to the contrary.If in doubt, look at all the breeds of dogs, cats, horses, and cattle that have been genetically selected by carefully breeding for characteristics. If there was a God derived plan, then no alteration should have happened. So there is no conclusive proof that we were created as these perfect creatures.

  6. none.

  7. It exists.

    That's it.  That's all there is.

    This says nothing about *how* it was created, or whether this involved evolution, or whether this evolution also involved a conscious Creator (which is the conclusion we call "Creation" as opposed to the ludicrous extreme of this called "Creationism" which also denies evolution).

    But the fact that something exists is a prerequisite to its being the product of Creation.

    The existence of chimps also supports Creation.  As does the existence of slime molds, and E. coli, and snowflakes, and mountains, and galaxies.

    Unicorns, UFO, and bigfoot do not support Creation because there is not sufficient evidence that they ever existed.

  8. huh?

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