
What evidence is there that babies and children have more psychic abilities than adults?

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People often claim that babies and small children have greater psychic abilities than adults and that they are more sensative to spirits.

What evidence is there for these claims?

Could tests suitable for very young children be devised to try these theories?




  1. That's because kids are much more prone to making stuff up.  Sure, we make stuff up as adults too, but we don't go around talking about it as if it were real.  At least most of us don't.  Most parents realize this and just ignore it until the kid grows out of it, but some parents fall for it for some reason - I guess someone told them kids are innocent and pure.  It's like they've never been around kids before.

    When kids have an imaginary friend, it's cute.  When adults do, it's religion.

  2. Children are fresh and un-repressed; open to life. We could learn from them...

    As for testing them, I would merely observe and learn all I could, behaving very unobtrusive and non-threatening around them. Sounds like Indigo children!

  3. There's evidence of at least two reasons.Children have more active imaginations.Children crave attention from adults.All children start drawing at a young age 3-4.Many walls are covered with crayon as evidence.Usually by 8-10 in most of them that compulsion is gone.They also make up imaginary friends and talk to dolls.Getting a whole pretend world going.

    If an adult plays into their pretend world.The craving for attention kicks in.They will do or say whatever they need to.Whatever it takes to please adults and get attention.If you watch the show"Psychic Kids"you can see it happening.With clever editing it looks real.Anyone with a little understanding of children,can see right through it.It's exploitation and there's a good chance of negative outcomes.In my humble opinion.

  4. The pineal gland is responsible.

    In a child the melatonin is created in greater quantity compared to the child's mass. When puberty arrives that child's mass to melatonin ratio decreases the melatonin greatly. The pineal gland stays somewhat the same size thoughout life.

    The pineal gland is vibratory. It is responsible for ESP.

    Adults...the pineal gland becomes more or less dormant with the decrease in excretions of melatonin.

    The ancients of Egypt/Atlantis knew about the pineal gland. It is both for longevity and ESP. The cobra displayed on the forehead is the pineal gland protrusion. All life forms on earth, animals...have pineal glands.

  5. Invisible friends. Depending on what your beliefs are, invisible friends are used by a lot of people as proof that children are more intuitive. Mainstream society pushes invisible friends away as either basic cognitive development or mental disorders (much to my chagrin), but some say invisible friends are actually the child's guardian angels/spirit guides and that as we mature and seek to fill societies shoes we lose our ability to easily communicate with them. This is believed to be true because young children have spent less time on this side of the psychic veil (symbolic veil seperating this world from the other side)

    Everyone's evidence for this phenomenon will be different depending on their beliefs and what they accept to be true.

  6. there isnt really evidence for this or anything like it. sorry. the only bits would be tests that have been done. google it.

  7. Evidence, I can't say, but I do know it to be a fact.  The simple reason is that babies and children haven't been "programmed" to dismiss what they see and hear.  How many kids do you know that have "invisible friends"?  Just about all of them, and those that don't, just haven't said anything about them.  These "invisible friends" are spirits.

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