
What evidence would you consider to be most tangible?

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what evidence would you consider to be most tangible? Pictures, audio, emf, dowsing rods? Anything? If you wanted to keep evidence for your own use and knew you could back it up, which one would it be?




  1. Look!  How do you prove something unless you have a man on the ground?  I am not arm-wrestling this problem, I want to go.  I am a Hill-billy from the North.  With training.  I can get on the ground.  I have been on the ground.  I know that I can find it.  What are you trying to show?  That my gran father was gutted, or that we are not the only beings in this Galaxy?  No arms about it.  The Army took me as a remote viewer in '86 because I do not draw fluffy bunnies!

  2. testimony under oath.


  3. ok this is where i see the problem, as alot of us, have captured something, on photos, videos, etc.. but no one will accept its the real thing..or there are always excuses for what it could be... I know there are alot of BS pictures and videos out there, but where does one draw the line...Does a scientist have to get the photos him/her self... I find no matter what we produce, its never maybe, we have to come to a stage where we can actually catch a ghost, and trap it in a science jar..and produce that as evidence....

  4. I think nothing will convince anyone except person paranormal experiences. It will probably take more than one experience to convince them . The extra ones are "confirmations"..because we usually try to find "rational reasons" for the first experience.  I don't know why people go around trying to convince non believers with "evidence". The only ones who should be given evidence are the ones who truly want to know about the paranormal world. Most skeptics don't fit into that category. Remember the verse.."Don't cast your pearls...."  Maybe if we concentrated more on trying to understand our experiences and not on convincing skeptics..we'd learn a lot more. Why don't we just "Let them sleep". They'll wake up sooner or later. Skeptics usually give the best "testimonies" after they've had an experience or two or three.

  5. What I see and sense myself.  I have seen a few pictures from friends I trust that are convincing.  I don't trust EVP's much.  I have had some strange EMF readings that are hard to explain in places with out electricity.

  6. Will there ever be enough evidence?

    I would guess to say evps, video would be strongest for me.


    Really, I know for a fact that not all scientists feel that the study of paranormal is a non existent study.  In fact, you may be surprised how many believe in the paranormal.

    It is NOT written off by all scientists by a long shot.

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