
What evolutionary advantages do Pollen, seeds, flowers, and fruits each offer?

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need a little explanation for each one of those




  1. EACH OTHER?????????? they each serve a purpose The pollen is needed for the flowers and the fruits are needed for man..............sounds like the circle of life

  2. This sounds like a homework question, basically do an google search on the birds and the bees and you will find all the answers you want.

  3. Pollen and seeds allow genetic dispersal away from water. As plants adapted for terrestrial habitats the gametetophyte generation became smaller and self contained. This eventually became pollen able to travel by wind or be carried by a pollinator. This allows plants to use sexual recombination over long distances without water to carry the pollen.

    Seeds have a coat for protection and endosperm (stored food)  to support the plant embryo until conditions are right for germination.

    Flowers contain an enclosed & protected ovary that will develop  a seed once the egg is fertilized.  The ovary will become a fruit of some type to enable the seed the best chance of germinating at some distance from the parent plant.  

    Flowers that usually self fertilize tend to be small, inconspicuous & unscented to avoid detection by seed eating herbivores. Other flowers show a typical insect pollination syndrome: a flower shape, a distinct colouring and fragrance as well as timing the flower opening and the type of reward it offers to efficiently attract a specific set of pollinators and deny others access.

    Fruit can by dry or fleshy. The type of casing depends on how the seed is dispersed. Fleshy fruits attract animals to consume the fruit and transport the seeds. Dry fruit may have burrs or wings or even open explosively to fling the seeds.

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