
What exactley is cookies are you supposed to delete them how?

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What exactley is cookies are you supposed to delete them how?




  1. My favorite is chocolate chip. I delete a chocolate chip cookie by eating it.

  2. cookies are littel bits of info that your computer downloads automatically when you visit a site, they are really small, but many of em tend to add up. your cpu does this so that next time you go to the site, it loads up much faster becasuse some of the sites info is already saved on your computer as a cookie. it is easy to delete them, just go to internet options, and delete the cookies, they live in the temporary internet folder, in the upper right there should be a tab named "tools" click it, go tot he bottom and select "internet options" then click delete... hope this helps

  3. 1.cookies are are little files that remembers your internet activity,

    like for example when you login; you check the save my password; and then the nest time when you login the computer remembers the password.

    2.You are not really suppose to; but if you want to, you can

    3. to delete them you go to internet properties and you will see the button that says "delete cookies"

  4. they are tempery files that make ur internet go faster n keep u logged into email caaounts. you should delet tehm every week. n dont use internet explorr use fire fox.

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