
What exactly are hot-dogs made of?

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I tried to convince my little sister that she would like hot-dogs, but she wants to know what they are made of. I like hot-dogs, but i have no clue what they are made of. Please help!




  1. Meat by products - anything left over that can not be cut into a specific part of meat ie, snout, head meat, etc. I prefer Kosher beef franks by Hebrew National. That way you don't just get a hodge podge of anything.

  2. No, they are not made from snouts, or lips and holes. They are not made from inedible meats and they don't have rat poo in them. Over a century ago the "Pure Food and Drug Act" as well as the "Meat inspection Act" were passed, as a result of the book "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair. And as result none of these things are true about the hot dog. What they do contain is either Beef, Poultry, Pork or a mixture of these meats. The meat is "mechanically seperated" and is "processed" and that freaks alot of people out. They don't know what it means or they've been told it's something horrible and a crime against nature. What it means is: A machine cuts the meat from the bone (as opposed to a butcher doing it) and the it's groung up by another machine and spices are added (along with too much salt). That's it. Simple. Nothing to be frightened of (except more sodium than they should have).

    Now if you want the simple answer to give your little sister, just tell her it's like bologna. And have try just a little bite, if she doen't like 'em tell her she can spit it out and hit you (one time) - she'll love that.

  3. Honestly, you don't want to know if you want t keep eating them. They are made up of left over parts of slaughtered animals(e.g. pork, beef, chicken)

  4. bread and meat

  5. That's why I became a vegetarian. . .  

  6. pork, beef, chicken and turkey or a combination of meat and poultry.

  7. You really don't want to know. Unless it is Kosher it could be anything.  Pig knuckles, turkey toes....etc. Just kidding. Not to be too graphic but it can consist of pig snouts, tails and all of the cheap rejected parts. If you do want her to eat them, make sure it is Kosher. They have to go through many rules and regulations in regards to being clean, and at the end a rabbi comes and prays over the area in order to be called Kosher and have the stamp of approval. So, yah...I would stick with Kosher.

  8. Most hot dogs are made of whatever leftover parts are found to be unfit to consume in any other form.


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