
What exactly are morals, character and integrity?

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and what do they mean to you? how do they support our society?? :)




  1. Morales are the little stops in our conscious mind that tell us the stove

    is hot and dont touch it when its hot and you share this with the young

    children so they also dont get burned. Use the same analogy with

    being good as a girl friend then a fiancee and finally a wife versus

    a loose high school s**t then a hot to trot sleep wih every one

    late teen and twenty something then turning tricks for money in the streets as a prostitute. Morales separate the one stay at home mom to be from the high school cheerleader to the other adverse example

    from high school s**t to twenty something w***e and then a street ooking crack prostitute. Morales stop you from the worst of the latter.

    Character is the willingness to follow a strong public leader like a sports

    hero or a president or a astronaut someone that the world can look up to with high morale fortitude and high personal goals and standards

    Integrity is adhearance to the truth  Its the internal fortitude to work in a bank with money all day for years helping others get to their money

    and never stealing one penny while doing thiss. some would not have the morales of character to have and keep the integrity to no steal

    where as it would be a person of high integrity character and morals

    to stop someone from breaking into and stealing that same businesses money of others in the bank as a employee of the bank.

    Morals and character and integrity of spirit are the things that keep

    and separate us all from animals and the beasts thats why people

    are angry at those that do rob and steal of low character and no morals

    most end up in jail with very little self esteem and personal integrity

    they end up hating their lives in jail. cheers

    give for free to the six free to point and click sites every day.

  2. Morals concern what is right and what is wrong to do.  Like stealing is wrong.  That is a moral.

    Character are the aspects of a person's personality, usually referring to positive characteristics, such as bravery, honesty, compassion, hard-working.  Personal qualities.

    Integrity can mean a lot of things, example a person has integrity when she is truthful, fulfills her promises, does what she feels is right, is responsible, trustworthy, and so on.

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