
What exactly did Barnie Mac die of?

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What exactly did Barnie Mac die of?




  1. he was waiting for someone to find him funny

  2. he had sarcoidosis its an auto-immune disease, usually most prevallent in the lungs but you can get it on any of your organs, including your skin- but was in remmission from it.

    He got pneumonia and because his immune system wouldnt have been as strong as an average person, it was harder for his body to fight the infectioin, thus taking alot more out of him, making him weak and unfortunatley dying due to the infection

    may his family have the strength to get thru this- altho they will never get over it.

    may he rest in peace.

  3. I'ono

  4. i read pneumonia brought on by an exisiting immune problem. i have heard people thought he had aids, but he didnt, it was an autoimmune problem, which is different.

  5. u mean bernie mac? lol he died from complications of phomonia (know i didnt spell that right) and its really sad. i used to watch his show with my mom when i was little :(

  6. he suffered from sarcoidosis, a rare autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in tissue, most often in the lungs

    nice and straight forward

  7. he suffered from sarcoidosis,then later he got pneumonia which he went to the Hospital for it.

    i was watching CNN where they said how he died apparently he went through cardiac arrest but the doctors revived him for an hour then after that he died.

    Very Sad.

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