
What exactly do Republicans mean when they say that Democrats are anti-American?

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What exactly do Republicans mean when they say that Democrats are anti-American?




  1. democrats

    because SOME dont FULLY support the 2nd ammendment


    SOME dont like homosexuals so if u support them you are un-american (stupid if u ask me)

    i g2eat so i may asner more later  

  2. They mean that showing no respect whatsoever for our constitution is anti-American. Not supporting our troops is anti-American. Not wanting to win a war that we started is anti-American. More government and social programs are anti-American. Need I go on? They have forgotten what America is all about. It's not about the government. It's about the individual freedoms and people reaching their dreams because we live in a great nation.  

  3. Well I'm a republican here in Pennsylvania, but a lot of my friends are your typical blue collar democrats, union, military, whatnot, and they certainly are not anti-American.  The people who are anti-American are usually liberal loud mouthed hollywood types who bad mouth our country and oppose traditional values.

  4. It's simple

    They are saying the general conduct of the Dems is not what they consider to be Pro American.

    However it can also be considered a confession that they disagree with hard working middle class families and the thousands of Veterans that have come from this sector to fight for their right to have medical deferments and exorbitant Tax Cuts

  5. They mean that since Democrats don't agree with them they must be anti-American.

    Must be true, right? Independent thought is overrated.

  6. Probably the same thing as when a Democrat says it.

  7. Sympathy towards foreign hostile governments.  Anti-capitalist and more socialistic.  More government power less personal freedom, especially financial.  Anti free speech...the fairness doctrine.  Class warfare and  racial warfare for political expediancy.  Most of all ant-constitution  (guns, religion, speech (that doesn't agree with them), should I keep going?

  8. because democrats are basically pushing for communism. Its sad but true.

  9. Showing off their ignorance I suspect as if one party can own the patient on being an American

  10. Libs hate what Americans have "become". Loving America means loving it through thick and thin with an unconditional love. It means to love and respect our rights as individuals. And libs only love it when they're in power ALL THE TIME. THAT is anti american.

  11. Undermining our military and military operations knowing it emboldens the enemy.

    By all rights most of them should have been arrested and tried for aiding the enemy.

  12. Republicans have a picture in their mind of what America should look like and it resembles a Norman Rockwell painting.  Anything that deviates from that vision is considered anti-American because it doesn't resonate with their personalized 'America'.  

  13. If I ever here one say it. I will.............but anyways you know what I mean.    I am a Dem who loves my country.  I served in Iraq for my country.  Guess what?  This time I will not vote because I can't stand NObama.

  14. America or usa was founded on the basis of being an individualistic nation or isolationistic the republicans strongly emphasise on american independance and self sufficientcy and are very right wing, since the start usa has always been traditionally right wing, the democrats believe in of course liberalism and what not they wish to strenghten international affairs, lax immigration laws, provide more help to it us citizens and more government intervention, very left wing which is the opposite of what americans stand for

  15. Republicans or more precisely conservatives are the depository of one of the most deep rooted American ethoses and that is VIOLENCE.

    In so many crucial points in US history ,Americans have shunned non-violent options and turned to the gun and violence to resolve issues from it's original Revolution to it's slaughtering Civil War and down through history to the Vietnam War and now the Iraqi atrocity.

    It is no wonder therefore that those whose first option is to turn to the gun and violence as opposed to those who first try and resolve the issue peacefully are seen as PATRIOTS and good Americans while the "peace seekers" are seen as un-patriotic and often un-American.

    In the past years anyone and everyone who opposed the crime against humanity in Iraq were called un-patriotic and worse,anti-American and of course as usual ,it was the more often than not the war mongering Republicans / Conservatives that were spewing their slanderous un-American tirades .

    If vyou then combine the above reality with the reality that since the 80's and Lee Atwater and the Horton ads ,Republicans have become the bottom dwellers of negative advertising and have gone far to get the often ignorant public to buy into the premise that TO WAR IS PATRIOTIC and NOT TO WAR IS UN-AMERICAN.

    The so PATRIOTIC Republicans have because of their illegal war atrocity all based on a pack of lies that has resulted in the slaughter of over 600,000 innocent Iraqi civilians :

    1.Destroyed forever the world's trust and respect in the US

    2.Has made the world  a h**l of a lot less safe from terrorism then before 9/11.

    3.Has been the biggest boosters and producers of terrorists around the world.

    4.By warring with Iraq and  de facto removing most US forces out of Afghanistan,the US is now responsible for the fact that the Taliban along with Bin laden are   now back in control of Afghanistan and this has created a de-stabalized Pakistan.

    5.By having to commit the bulk of it's forces in Iraq,the US has no flexibility to act against other "hot spots" like in Georgia  and the US has been reduced to a PAPER TIGER thanks to these PATRIOTIC REPUBLICANS.

    A famous citation by the famous Dr,Samuel Johnson describes Republicans perfectly:


    Of course generally the liberals and Democrats have fought again st this war and are labelled un-American.

    What a stinking joke.The Patriotic Republicans has crippled the US both militarily and economically and those who opposed them are called un-American.

    All I can say is that the stupid ,ignorant majority of Americans who really pathetically think as the republicans do,simply deserve whatever they get .  


  16. At times Dems seem more worried about protecting the rights of terrorists instead of the rights of our kids to live without being attacked by terrorists or having their parents killed by terrorists.

    Bill and the Dems seem more worried about protecting the right of Al Qaeda pilots to take flight lessons IN THE US than the rights of American kids to NOT have their parents die on 9-11-01.

    Obama didn't object to hearing that whites created AIDS to hurt blacks.  Amazing party.

    Murtha said our marines murder in cold blood.  No Dem defended the innocent marines.

    Pelosi's and Obama's plans sound like either Putin's or Hitler's ... at least somewhat.

  17. It means they're bigoted and ignorant.  Their sense of entitlement is beyond annoying as is their appalling exclusion of the working class.  As a life-long Democrat with some Republican friends, I can tell you they look at Dems with disdain - as if we're less than....I consider myself incredibly patriotic - love the troops, hate the war and the idiot who started it.

  18. Shows their getting worried.

  19. well we dont mean it that way. democrats dont believe in what america is supposed to believe in. its kind of hard to explain

  20. they are obsessed with flag pins and pledges and other outward shows

    even though they like to hide dead bodies coming back from their current war

  21. It's not all Republicans, just the right-wing extremist ones.  They harbor significant hatred and rage against anything that a) they don't understand or b) they feel might threaten their bent perception of reality.

    When you start calling people anti-American and unpatriotic, you've pretty much conceded that you haven't a substantive argument.  In fact, I can't think of a more unpatriotic thing than trying to shout down other people's opinions and bring their loyalties into open question.

  22. Well, I can guarantee you that Obama is anti-American. His wife said that she had no pride in our country, his minister condemned us all, and he, Obama, the very evil behind this whole matter, refuses to put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance. How much more communist can you get?

  23. We want to make it better so we must hate it.

  24. Obama is!!

  25. Things like blaming America first and putting down America to other nations.  And things like not acknowledging that we give more to underprivileged nations than any other.  Just stuff like that.

  26. See "Barock Hussein Obama"

  27. How can you expect the republicans to know anything ,We the "Democrats" are the true Americans.

  28. Only the arrogant ones say that, basically 'If you disagree with me, you're anti-American'. Many don't and will acknowledge the ignorance of that statement.

    Edit: Wow, 4 td? I'm going for six lol

  29. They mean, "I have no logical response to your arguments and am not capable of discussing issues with tact and a level head, so instead I'm going to hurl insults at you."

  30. Liberals often side alongside some of America's worst enemies.

    The Liberals embraced the communists, despite the fact that every communistic regime as denied it's citizens basic human rights and always carries with it the burden of a militarized police state.

    The Liberals embraced socialism, despite the fact that every nation who has maintained a socialist society has nearly or completely bankrupted their nation.

    The Liberals embraced terrorism, with there unrepentant attacks that 9-11 was somehow America's fault. They've stood in the way of attacking terrorist-sponsoring nations like Iraq and Afghanistan. Despite the fact that our military has performed brilliantly and we've not had another successful terrorist attack in 7 years, they still insist we're losing the War on Terror.

    The Liberals embraced globalism. They've routinely introduced bills that would surrender the sovereignty of the US to the United Nations. They've attempted to funnel every American trade agreement through the bureaucratic  chambers of the WTO. They've constantly maligned the existence of NATO, despite the fact that no other organization has responded whatsoever to the aggression on the people of Georgia.

    And finally, liberals have embraced liberalism. Liberalism is the idea that emotion and intention are more important than method and result. And this, more than any other ideology yet embraced, is destroying our children, bankrupting our future, threatening our culture, and destroying the fabric of this great nation.

    That is Liberals ARE anti-American. And, sadly for Democrats, most Dems are liberals.

  31. They mean they will say anything to win, even slander their fellow Americans.

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