
What exactly do contractions feel like?

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I went to the doctor yesterday and she asked if i was having contraction yet and i am 34 wks pregnant but i have never felt them before so i have no idea she said when i have one i will know it but honestly if someone does not tell me what they feel like i will have no idea i will just thinks its stomach pains.




  1. I can completely relate! I'm pregnant with my first and am worrying that I won't know what they feel like.  My doctor told me that I will definitely notice them. She explained that they could feel like diarrhea cramps or strong menstrual cramps.  I've heard that real contractions can start in your back and move forward to your stomach.

    Good luck!  

  2. A contraction is a lot like getting an absess tooth pulled, or getting hit in the stomach with a bat by a major league baseball player. It's worst than the worst earache you've ever had. So you will know it when you have one, and it will be hard to breathe so definetely sign up for lamaze classes. I'm not trying to scare you. I'm just telling you how it is. I did not know what I was in for, and I think if I knew it was going to be that painful, I'd have prepared myself a lot better mentally and went to those classes.

  3. You will know when you are having contractions, trust me!

    They are hard to explain but they are nothing like stomach pains

  4. Ur stomach gets hard from the top then moves slowly to the bottom. It feels like u have been carrying heavy objects all day long. Also it feels like the Period Cramps but worst. Just do anything rythmatic and  breathe in and out. It does work. Backache's are a good sign.  

  5. My contractions felt like extremely strong menstrual cramps.  

  6. Trust me when i tell you that you will know when your feeling them. Its like nothing you have ever felt i dont scare you....

  7. It starts out like a dull ache in your lower period cramps.  Also, your stomach gets hard and you will be able to see like an outline of the baby how its laying.  It feels really weird the first time you get one, but it really is like nothing else you've ever felt.  You are really lucky not to have had any braxton hicks before now because they are a real bugger.

  8. well i think that everyone have there own way of how contractions feel. for me it don't feel like a stomach pain. its more like a real strong period cramp. this is how you will know that you are have contractions. first your stomach will start to get tight then that's when you will have the cramp pain. and when it do that every 5 minutes then you need to go to the hospital. or when your water brake. lol. hope you are not in a public place when that happens. hope that answered your question. and good look to you  

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