
What exactly do feminists want?

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I'm a little confused




  1. The feminist in the beginning had the right idea, but it has gone way out of wack since then.  I will always be confused and I am a woman.  They want to be like men but don't want to have to be a part of the draft if it where reinstated. They want to have kids but don't want to stay home and raise them and want to s***w the man for child support so they don't have to better themselves. They want respect from their husbands, but want to be in control........  I don't get IT!

  2. To make men like you wonder!!!!

  3. Once again, we have to reveal the SHOCKING TRUTH that all feminists are individuals and therefore want different things.

    There is no collective feminist overbrain.

  4. To rid the world of Barbaric Chauvinists. need to take that personally.

  5. They want everything.

    They have an inferiority complex and thus must battle however they can to make themselves feel better than men.

    As a woman, I find it disgusting. I know I'm equal to a man - I don't need anyone to tell me that.

    Feminists can also be extremely sexist towards men - which I think is horrible.

  6. Equality, rights, and dignity, duh.

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