
What exactly do the queen of England and her lads do?

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They seem to have pretty good gig and I was thinking about getting into the royalty business. What exactly would I have to do to earn my check?




  1. Tthe Queen is The Head of State

    As Head of State, the Queen goes on official State visits abroad. She also invites other world leaders to come to the United Kingdom. During their visit, Heads of State usually stay at Buckingham Palace, or sometimes at Windsor Castle or Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh.

    Head of the Armed Forces

    The Queen is also the Head of the Armed Forces. She is the only person who can declare when the country is at war and when war is over, although she must take advice from her government first.

    Head of the Church of England

    The Queen is Head of the Church of England - a position that all British monarchs have held since it was founded by Henry VIII in the 1530s.

    The Queen appoints archbishops and bishops on the advice of the Prime Minister.

    The spiritual leader of the Church of England is the Archbishop of Canterbury.

    Government Duties

    Every day 'red boxes' are delivered to the Queen's desk full of documents and reports from the government ministers and Commonwealth officials. They must all be read and, if necessary, signed by the Queen.

    Represents the Nation

    The Queen represents the nation at times of great celebration or sorrow. One example of this is Remembrance Day ceremony at the Cenotaph monument in Whitehall. The Queen lays a wreath there each year to honour the members of the armed forces who have died fighting for their country.

    Royal Garden Parties

    At least three Royal Garden Parties are held at Buckingham Palace each year and about 8,000 guests attend each one.


    Alongside her other duties the Queen spends a huge amount of time travelling around the country visiting hospitals, schools, factories and other places and organisations.

  2. Marry into it

  3. they do far more than you i guess.

  4. Why not ask your V.P. d**k Cheney what he does to earn his cheque?

    The Royal's love hunting too, but they don't shoot anybody!

    ( by accident )

    Is he still hiding at Camp David?

    BTW, how did Bush earn his?

    Who you voting for? LOL

  5. In addition to a monarch's constitutional duties, the monarch has an important role to play in public. A national figurehead, the monarch provides a focus for identity, offers recognition of achievement of all kinds, and supports the ideals of public and charitable work.

    The monarch acts a focus for national unity and pride by means of regular visits in its country, its other realms, and overseas destinations. The monarch is supported by other members of the Royal Family, who also carry out thousands of visits each year.

    The monarch recognizes excellence and achievement. This takes place in many ways: through Royal visits which provide a 'seal of approval' to a charity or community; through the award of honours and prizes to outstanding individuals; and through messages sent to those celebrating special birthdays or wedding anniversaries.

    The monarch and the Royal Family also play an important part in the public and voluntary sector. Through involvement with hundreds of charities, military units and other organizations, they promote the ideal of service to others.

    Note: The only possible way to be apart of this prestige circle is to marry a royal member. All royal family members take part and carry out their share of the royal duties, since there is only one Queen, and millions of charity events, handing out rewards and royal engagements to do within a year! A royal member is roughly paid €250,000 as their salary to shake hands, so start rubbing shoulders within the inner circle and the upperclass, and hopefully someone will introduce you to a royal, thats how Princess Beatrice met her American beau!

  6. Unfortunatley T-Minus you have to be born into a royal family to be considered "royalty". However, u could try buying a little private island of ur own, and just proclaiming urself king! But ur right, the Queen of England is just a ceremonial head of state position. She gets to live in a palace with the rest of her family and go around the world gathering praise without having to make any difficult decisions, but hey, can u blame them all? and if u do use my idea, please invite me to the palace for a pina colada!

  7. you would have to marry into the royal family to get the gig at this point as you were not born into

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