
What exactly do they do to the animals during animal testing?

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i am against animal testing. I know they test the products on

animals. But i've seen pictures of cut open animals.

What exactly do they do to them? What is the need to cut

them open? Please let me know!




  1. For example, toothpaste companies apply toothpaste to rats' eyes to see how the chemical reaction works. This happens when the rats are still alive and conscious.

    They also inject various substances into animals to see how their bodies react.

    The need to cut them open is to see how their organs and stuff reacted or how the substance they're testing reacts with the organism's insides.

    I'm not fond of it, but I personally think it's OKAY to use animal testing for medical purposes when other methods (cell tissue or such) cannot be used. However, animal testing for cosmetic purposes is utterly unjustified and needs to be outlawed!

  2. The need to cut them open is to see how the internal organs are affected by the chemicals.  After the animal have been subjected to the pain of corrsive acids in their eyes and on their torn skin they are studied and then put down.   It is completely wrong to test human VANITY products on animals. There is no if, ands, or buts about it.  The need for animal testing for biomedical research however is ok.  Just not the genetic research part of the aspect.

  3. I'm not really going to argue with you and say that animal testing is morally right or anything, but nearly every product that contains substances potentially harmful to humans is tested before reaching the market. Animals are sometimes used as "models" to predict the overall health risks that certain things will pose to humans. Without animal contributions, all the substances that cause cancer or neurological disorders or whatever would cause those things in human men, women, and children first. At that point, it may never be discovered as the offending agent. Testing on animals enables humans to identify specific chemical compounds that are most likely harmful. It also allows for general testing on drugs with known theapeutic value. Probably the largest failure of animal testing is that in order to predict effects of chronic exposure, the closest option is to administer the agent in very high doses all at once and this does not always carry the same predictive value. Thousands of people have suffered birth defects, illnesses, and death because they used products for which necessary clinical animal trials had been completed. Many of these are well documented. I will never say that there is no place for animal testing, but I'm not going to agree with people who don't obey basic guidelines when doing so. Check out these links and any other search results, but it will be a lot easier to find people posting disturbing images and statements in favor of ending animal testing than pages in support. I don't think aniimal testing can be outlawed because there are too many health and economic consequences.

    To answer your question about "cutting open" animals, any time that an animal is exposed to a particular agent, it must be determined which internal organs and tissues that agent builds up in and therefore causes disease by affecting.

  4. They Test products,helpful or not ,to see if they hurt humans,they do trial and error on animals because humans are more important.I'm not saying they are,people that do tests think that,just saying so no one gets offended at me.

  5. If they are testing cancer drugs, they will need to do an autopsy to determine if the drug prevented the cancer cells from growing.

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