
What exactly do you do when you go to get birth control?

by  |  earlier

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Like at the doctor's office what is their procedure?




  1. I think because I was a virgin and only fifteen, it was slightly different for me. The gynecologist asked me a few questions about my periods, told me the side effects of the pill, serious side effects that would make me need to come in again, and basically that was about it. They weighed me and took my blood pressure, but I didn't have to get a pap smear or anything like that.

  2. At the appt they will perform a pelvic exam and make sure things are ok. You can talk to this doctor about going on the pill. You can talk with him/her about what one is right for you. They can write a prescription and then you start it the next time you get your period. I cant say one pill will be best for you. They all have the same goal, to prevent pregnancy, but they all work differently. The first pill you try may work great, or you may have to try a few different kinds. I went thru 3 different brands, and in the end went back to the first one i was on as it worked best for me. But give them 2-3 months before switching (unless you have bad side effects) cause it takes a few cycles for things to settle down.

  3. They usually give you an exam - check your blood pressure, weight, etc. Give you an internal exam, pap smear, and breast exam (feel around the breast for lumps. Then if everything is good they'll set you up with birth control.

  4. You will have to have a pap smear done and then you discuss with your doctor about birth control and which one that is out there that would best fit you. There are many of them now. The pap smear if you haven't had one done will be alright. You'll be in a little uncomfortable position but only for a few minutes and don't worry.. EVERy woman has to do this.

    Good luck

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