
What exactly do you have to go through to get your lifeguarding liscense?

by  |  earlier

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I am about to take lifeguarding and I just wanted some brief information as to what I could brush up on before I take the class.




  1. All you have to do is go to a few classes, be able to swim (i think it is about a 500), and pass the tests.

  2. Well not much they will give you a handbook and make sure that you study very very HARD! - treat it like a normal school class I just took the class and I had to retake some of the sections on the test a few times - lifeguarding is very important and the training should be taken very seriously. One of my good friends a few weeks ago fell into cardiac arrest when he was practicing baseball and somone nearby had just recived the lifeguard training and they were able to give him CPR - the girl that gave it to him was only 14 and the paramedics said that without her doing that he would have died  - she is a local hero now - not a joke its been all over the news in idaho

    good luck with this class!

    I wish you the best and remeber never hesitate when somone is in need

  3. are you getting certified by Ellis or Red Cross?

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