
What exactly do you learn in nursing?

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how many years does it take? how tough is it? does it require full time focused studying? finally aftr landing a job, hw is it going to be???




  1. ok where do i start. nursing school takes about 5 semesters. one for pre- req. and four for the program. so your looking at an easy 2-3 years. its a lot of work. there is a lot of studying involved. but its worth it in the end if it really something you want to do. your talking about hours a week in a class then hours for clinicals which can be anywhere from a clinic to a hospital to the psych ward depending on the school you are going to. then, when you pass all that at you pass the NCLEX  and get a job, depending on where you want to work, hours can range from 8-12. hospitals usually have 12 hour shifts. and clinics are usually 8 hours. in a hospital you work a total of about 80 hours every 2 weeks. all places vary. i just finnished nursing school and passed boards, and to tell you the truth its the best feeling in the world. it is a lot of work, but like i said, if it what you love it will all be worth it in the end. good luck and let me know if you have anymore ?'s

    edit: i forgot to tell you what you learn, you learn how to care for patients and how to recognize them getting worse. you pretty much need to know almost what a doctor knows. they will ask you what will the doc order if this and this happen. it really is pretty interesting.

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