
What exactly do you think the government should do inregards to Anthropogenic Global Warming?

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No, I've not changed my mind. I'm just curious on what you think the government could do that the private sector isn't already doing.




  1. The most obvious first step is to restrict the amount of fossil fuel that can be imported or extracted. If it is imported or extracted it will be burned.

    We can not be sure that reducing burning of fossil fuels alone will stop global warming, helpful as this would be. We also have to do something to increase the uptake of CO2 by terrestrial plants, which means make sure those plants, particularly trees, have enough water to do that job. This means that we need to provide structures to contain flood water and distribute it to our lands, including forest lands. We also need to reclaim all our waste water for forest irrigation.

    We have megatons of ocean plant material sinking into the oceans and causing death of animal life as it decomposes. We can make our oceans healthier if we harvest that plant matter to be used as bio-fuel... This can and should be done by private enterprise, but because we are involved in international water we should consult with other nations on sharing agreements.

    The need for cap and trade is largely eliminated if we restrict extraction and importation of fossil fuels, but cap, without trade option, may be needed to ensure we can still feed ourselves. If we can use someone else's share of the fossil fuel, we may be using the fuel someone else needs to produce or transport the very food we need. Wealth alone may not allow us to determine who is allowed to waste our fossil fuels.  

  2. Step 1: enact a carbon cap and trade system.

    Step 2: sell the carbon credits to industry for the system, use the money to fund alternative fuel and energy technologies.  Both fund their R&D and subsidize them so they become more affordable to individuals.

    Step 3: form a comprehensive plan to decrease US GHG emissions by at least 80% (preferably 95% to compensate for developing nations) by 2050.  Obama has such a plan, for example.  One of the carbon cap and trade bills being considered by congress also meets this goal.  The Lieberman-Warner bill which the Republicans blocked only had a 66% reduction goal.

    An alternative solution to a cap and trade system is a carbon tax, but I prefer cap and trade.

  3. Not a d**n thing.

    We already have enough government intrusion in our lives and I don't want a nanny state restricting my 'emissions' nor taxing me for it.

    There is a certain emission I'd like to release in the presence of our government and it ain't sweet, brother.

  4. Institute regulations to get the world population back down to, like, 150 million.

  5. There is incredible opportunity for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  What we need is leadership on this issue, and no, it can not wait until 2050. We need to stop subsidizing the oil, coal, and gas industries. These guys are having record profits anyhow. Let us use that money to wean ourselves from fossil fuels. With American momentum, we can solve almost any problem. The Manhattan Project: completed within years. A man on the moon before the decade (1960's) is out: done. Jimmy Carter's goal for energy independence within 20 years: ummm, still need to work on that—Reagan cut those goals and ripped the solar panels from the roof of the White House to prove a point that policy had changed.

    Opportunities for improvement could included, but not limited to:

    Renewable energy obligations; switch electric production from coal based to nuclear power, renewable heat and power (hydropower, solar, wind, geothermal and bioenergy).

    Eliminate fossil fuel subsidies.

    Taxes or carbon charges on fossil fuels

    Invest in new renewable energy technology.

    Encourage more fuel efficient vehicles; hybrid vehicles; cleaner diesel vehicles.

    Additional biofuel blending and CO2 standards for road transport.

    Encourage a shift from road transport to rail and public transport systems; Investment in attractive public transport facilities and non-motorized forms of transportation.

    Upgrade building codes and standards; encourage efficient lighting and day lighting; improved insulation; passive and active solar design for heating and cooling.

    Encourage more efficient electrical appliances and heating and cooling devices; improved cook stoves.

    Encourage alternative refrigeration fluids; mandate the recovery and recycle of fluorinated gases.

    Improved crop and grazing land management to increase soil carbon storage.

    Improved rice cultivation techniques and livestock and manure management to reduce CH4 emissions.

    Improved nitrogen fertilizer application techniques to reduce N2O emissions.

    Restoration degraded lands; reforestation; forest management; reduced deforestation.

    Better harvested wood product management; use of forestry products for bioenergy to replace fossil fuel use.

    Landfill methane recovery; waste incineration with energy recovery; composting of organic waste; controlled waste water treatment; recycling and waste minimization.

  6. For starters, encourage alternative energy development, and conservation with things like tax credits..  Fund research into alternative energy development.  Pass new gas mileage standards for cars/trucks.

    Given the current price of oil, those things are basically no brainers.

    The American people agree:

    "A vast majority of Americans, across all political parties, overwhelmingly support development and funding of solar energy. Ninety-one percent of Republicans, 97 percent of Democrats and 98 percent of Independents agree that developing solar power is vital to the United States."

    But the Republicans have blocked the bill supporting this.  They won't even let it be debated:

    "For the fourth time this summer Republicans have stopped the Senate from taking up wide-ranging legislation that provides tax credits to an array of renewable-energy entrepreneurs..."

  7. What the oil companies that are sponsoring this scam do not want. Build every new power plant nuclear and replace every coal, gas or oil powered plant that can not meet emissions standards with nuclear. Then start building solar power stations in orbit for the long term. Burning oil or coal as fuel is as dumb as burning food for fuel.

  8. I think the government should do absolutely nothing but protect the borders, provide a national currency, and arbitrate between the states (but unfortunately, that's just me).

  9. Increase rebates on alternative energy.

    remove speed restrictions on Electric vehicles.

    build bike lanes along major highways.

    mandate alternative energy on all government buildings.

    Replace all government vehicles with alternative fuel vehicles.

    stop selling carbon credit to over polluting companies, and make them comply with the EPA mandates.

  10. Ban new fossil fuel power plants.

    Then we'll let the market decide what to replace fossil fuels with (though we'll probably find it's nuclear power).

    I'd also remove all renewable energy subsidies (since they wouldn't be needed for CO2 reasons without having to face competition from new fossil fuels).

    A carbon tax would also be nice although a ban on new fossil fuelled electricity with phase out dates of existing power plants would be better.  Cap and trade should be avoided if possible.

  11. Everyone in the United States should be fined if he/she throws out too much trash or doesn't recycle. The measures should be tighter and stricter to save this planet. Other countries already serve less food in the restaurants to waste little. US is pouring food to every customer when they don't need that much. Government should provide more public transportation and let the ones that drive a car should pay more tax. That way streets will clear up and produce less air pollution. There should be a limit to one car per person or per family. All others should be fined.

  12. Nothing.  Government will use the alleged global warming craze as a taxing opportunity.  When the government claims that subsidies/funding for alternative fuels (or anything else for that matter) will not increase our tax bill but will be 'financed' by windfall profits taxes on .... in this case ..... oil companies, they (government) hopes that the masses will fall for it.  When taxes and other expenses go up for any business.... we (the taxpayers) pay more for products/services when those expenses go up.

    Keep the government out of the business of climate.  If there is ever proof of 'man-did-it' global warming, the private sector will take care of it.  Remember the government's last effort to 'fix' pollution ... ethanol??!!  That boondoggle is costing us $$Billions and pollutes more than regular gasoline!!

  13. Absolutely nothing.

  14. faze out coal

  15. Work to implement solutions like this:

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