
What exactly does CM Punk have to do in order for his World title run to be considered successful ?

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As far as booking ?

His Summer Slam match on Sunday ?

And beyond ?(assuming he defeats JBL)




  1. He needs to defeat people fairly, and he needs to be allowed to use all of his moves he did in ROH like the .45 Special and the Devil Lock DDT.  He also needs to be a heel, because he makes a d**n good heel.  In his matches with other faces, he's booed anyway because he's not as strong as Batista or Cena (whom I both hate).  People also keep talking about how he has horrible mic skills, which is bullsh*t.  He has excellent mic skills, but people just don't want to accept him because he's not the strong type, the modern WWE fan (kids) don't like someone who has skill, but rather a Superman who wins, no matter how they win, and they want Tista or Cena to be champ AGAIN and hold down other talent.  

  2. Beating JBL cleanly would be a start.

    A lot of people seem to call CM Punk a paper champion because he's not their favourite wrestler. Stupid way to label a talented and charismatic wrestler who earned his title, but that's the way our WWE fans are these days.

    I think Punk needs a good 5 month title reign for him to be considered a good champion. He needs to get in to high profile matches and get clean wins in those matches. I think clean wins over guys like Kane and Jericho would be a start, but I don't think the writers want Jericho to lose right about now, as he seems in contention to be the next champion.

    A good, solid feud with Orton might also help, that's considering Orton returns at SummerSlam or just after.  

  3. I'm a smark, and I don't bash faces: Except for BOTCHTISTAROIDS, because he's a douche outside the ring and botches 99 percent of his moves.

    I happen to love:

    HBK (face)

    AJ Styles (face)

    Christian Cage (face)

    Bryan Danielson (tweener)

    Kenta Kobashi (face)

    CM Punk (face)

    Taker (face)

    RVD (face)



  5. Unfortunately, Punk's a face champion, which means that if he actually starts winning and looking strong, he'll be called the next Cena and overrated. If he keeps being the underdog champion, he'll be called a paper champion like Rey Mysterio and still overrated.

    Booking-wise though, he NEEDS to beat JBL cleanly. That's a downright must. No DQ or countout finish, he needs to make JBL tap or pin him outright. He needs clean wins, and even if he loses, the loss should be a strong fifteen-twenty minute main event where both men look good. I'd say either one or two strong months and then he can drop it and look like a contender.

  6. He needs to have a clean victory over a legit contender, which JBL is not

  7. People think no matter what he does he can't be a real champion. I think if Cm Punk holds on to the title until Unforgiven, that will have been like 3 months, and if he held it for 3 months that tells you something. Or until he beats Y2J or HBK.

  8. have about a 6 month run with the belt, defend it regularly, and be entertaining with it

  9. He needs to become more like an anti-hero for sure which means breaking the rules and have a beer drink once in a while I know SCSA will bathe him in a beer bath one day, and also cheat on some of his matches even though his a face that dosen't mean he can't play heel tactics remember Eddy G (rip) use to break the rules by cheating although he was a face at that time along with Chavo.

  10. Lift up Khali or Mark Henry or in this case, Raws Kane and defeat Kane for the Worl Heavyweight Title in a No DQ match, thats when he would earn my respect

  11. CM Punk would have to take on the bigger stars in the WWE. Although, JBL is no slouch (he is a former WWE Champion and held the title for quite sometime). I want to see a winning streak immense against superstars like, Rey Mysterio, John Cena and perhaps more matches versus Batista.

    His SummerSlam match on Sunday would have to be a drag out, all out war! Similar to the "I Quit" match between JBL vs. Cena at Judgment Day 2005. And for that to happen, JBL would have to bring his A game as well.

    Beyond that, alot of fans want CM Punk to turn heel...myself I can go either way. But to seal the deal of his World Title Reign success my immediate respect would be to see if Punk holds the title long enough to HEADLINE the WrestleMania 25 card.

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