
What exactly does Deist mean?

by Guest32889  |  earlier

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In many discussions about religion and history, it is said that many of the founding fathers were "Deists" not Christians. I assume they believe in God but not the divinity of Jesus or something like that but do not know.




  1. Deists believe in a first cause or an organizing principle in the universe but don't believe that there is a personal god who pays attention to what happens now.

  2. It's a theist light, sort of.. ;)

    A person who believes there is a god, but that god created us and then "retired", and now it does not interfere with its creation in any way anymore.

  3. Deist believe in a God or higher power. They aren't religious. I believe the consciousness of the entire universe is God. They do not have all the same beliefs. I also believe in Karma and Reincarnation.

    Deist-No religion.

  4. It means a person believes in a God who created everything but who is aloof and uncaring. They don't think God cares about anyone and that he is not involved in the affairs of the universe.

  5. A deist is someone who professes a belief in God.

  6. Deists were the original intelligent design folk. On their behalf, They didn't believe revelations possible or sane. Highly moral, they did the best they could in the dark.

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