
What exactly does a root canal entail?

by Guest59706  |  earlier

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I need a root canal in a month, and my dentists are always so sketchy...They don't seem to want to inform me as to what they're going to be doing in my mouth. I understand a root canal is when they go through your tooth to remove a damaged nerve (correct?) But what after that? Do they fill it? Pull it? If they do pull it, what happens then? The tooth I need it in is the main tooth I use to chew food..I wish my dentists would give me a little info as to what they're going to be doing.

Also, I had three teeth filled today...They were my first fillings, but it hurts really badly when I bite down on something, and I can hear cracking in my teeth when I do.




  1. Root canal treatment is needed when the nerve in the tooth has become infected with bacteria and as a result of this the nerve "dies".

    The nerve - which is located in the root canal - is therefore removed and all the nasty bacteria in the canal are cleaned out with various instruments.

    Once the bacteria and associated debris are removed, the root canal is filled with a rubber based material and the crown of the tooth is sealed with a normal filling and sometimes with a crown on top. These fillings prevent bacteria from entering the canal again.

    I hope this helps

  2. "dentists are always so sketchy...They don't seem to want to inform me as to what they're going to be doing in my mouth. "

    Really?  Did you ask them what you asked here?  Did you say, I won't do anything else until you explain this to me? This is what you have to you have to be a good patient and educate yourself, and work in partnership with the dentist to get the full benefit of treatment and reccomendations.

    If you ASK, and keep asking until you understand, they will help.

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