
What exactly does a short wave radio do?

by Guest66334  |  earlier

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Can I pick up radio stations from around the world?




  1. depends upon your definition of radio stations from around the world.

    The other two posters are correct in the radio's function, but most shortwave radio is stations and shows aimed at a foreign audience usually to inform and promote. Don't expect say BBC1 with the top 40 in Britain on, as you would more news and views shows.

  2. To add a bit of information, some stations bounce of the troposphere at certain times of the day, at night, usually.  If they do, then can bounce between it and the ocean and be carried for many thousands of miles, but you need to be in the right place at the right time to hear it.

  3. Basically receives radio transmissions (AM,FM,SSB,CW) from .5 to 30 mhz, which is considered the short wave frequency's. Actually 30 to 500 khz is long wave, 500 to 2000 khz is medium wave. And yes short wave can be heard around the world. With a good long wire antenna, up 20 to 30 feet you should get pretty good reception.

  4. As an amateur radio operator, I can tell you it receiveves amateur radio operators, maybe a couple distant radio stations. Amateur radio operators can be heard all over the world. They operate on HF (high frequency) bands (short wave). Amateur radio is a hobby and you need a FCC amatateur license to operate one. I have been a ham since 4/1995. It's a good hobby to get into.

    To answer your question, yes and mainly at nights. I have picked up wsm (650 am) in Nashville, TN and a station in China.

    Hope it helps.

  5. It is a bandwidth used by amateur operators worldwide. The radio itself usually both broadcasts and receives transmissions, although there are receive-only sets. Everything you wanted to know and more is at the below link.

    -a guy named duh

  6. If you like to play with radios and just listen out for distant stations for hours on end then a Short Wave radio is for you.

    In my experience, not all Short Wave radios are good.

    Don't get a radio that says it's got SW AM/MW and FM

    If it's only got SW then it's a *very limited* Short Wave unit.

    Look for a SW tuner that is split into at least 2 SW bands.

    "AM/MW FM SW1 SW2"

    Short Wave radios can pick up different stations at different times during a day. This dependence on the time of the day is due to a particular transient atmosphere ionized layer known as the 'D Layer', forming only during day when photons from the sun break up atoms into ions and free electrons.

    This layer is responsible for partial or total absorption of particular frequencies.

    The Short Wave band is mainly comprised of International channels broadcasting out of/ on behalf of a particular country.

    Eg: VOA - Voice of America, Radio Sri Lanka, Radio Kuwait, AIR - All India Radio etc..

    Overall, it's a really cool Radio to have!

    I've had it for almost 12 years now and I'm always discovering new channels!

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