
What exactly does a telecom engineer do?

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i study telecom enginnering., i´m on the 2nd semester and starting to wonder whether i should continue or go into somethin else. i dont know if this is what i want., can someone give some advice? thanks.




  1. I think that you are going in right direction the upcoming technologies include the telecommunication as to be the best one the reason being the usage of mobile phone's is getting rapid day by day and in a single country there are number of companies which are working on to improve there telecoms. Beside this the land line telephones also require a  telecoms engineer to work with them and to supervise there working on daily bases so you are going in right direction.

    And for Mr telecom looser is suggest you to wait for the right time you had done your degree from London with 80% marks you will certainly find your career it not so that you might be getting a good job right after you complete your degree as there is an international slump going on so just wait for the right time you will succeed.

  2.  Telecom loser

     you  are wasting your future as far as  i now from my experience  if you carry on studing so call telecommunications. I have Bend Meng from top london university with 80% pass rate  and still can't get a job  nevertheless the decision is yours.


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