
What exactly does a wildlife conservationist do?

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1. please tell me what they do... exactly and please give me some examples.

2. next, how much do they earn a month..pls give me a rough figure.

3. and third, to become a wildlife conservationist, we probably need to get a degree in what exactly??

thanks a lot.




  1. Depends on your definition of wild life conservationist.Some of them are do gooding people who think every wild creature should be left to live,no matter the expense to creatures in the food chain.They do not recognise that animals need to be controlled to keep the balance to which all creatures can co-habit.On the other hand,you have game keepers and estate managers who really understand the need for controlling predators for the good of other animals.birds of prey for example,which are protected,are up to a level now where they are starting to affect our song bird population and other ground nesting game.There is extremely bad press at the moment,due to "keepers"poisoning pirds of prey.This is a terrible thing and the people responsible are quite rightly getting prosecuted but are not gamekeepers in the true sense.Take the badger as another example of a species being overprotected at the expense of other creatures.The bumble bee is in serious decline and the badger is the prime suspect.I find about half a dozen bumble bee nests a year and not one of them will be left alone.The nest will be ripped out the ground with the odd bee still alive.As well as bees they decimate any ground nesting species in the area the work.All this has been seen at first hand and not read in an anti hunting,shooting leaflet that some of the supposed "conservationists" like to dish out.My advice would to become a gamekeeper and really learn about the fine balance that is needed in the wild .

  2. Aanya..I just wanted to help. Here's a link...

  3. They try to 'conserve' wildlife, by taking population counts of various species, and enforse hunting and fishing licences and regulations. They also take part in research studies for animal well being..etc. It usually is a state or federal government job, so don't expect to get rich. As for courses, something to do with animal and game studies, studies of animal behaviour, and vet courses, to a certain extent.

  4. take away people freedoms by telling them to stay off the land

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